So What ISP and Plan Did You Switch to and Current Speed Tests? (Speedtest Thread)

I ended up with Mate Communicate at $89 a month for 100/40 on FTTN. Going to try them for a month and see how it goes if i need to shape down or what.
Switched from horrid Telecube.

Getting speeds of around 55 / 38. Steam is hovering right now around 42 - 45. Have not tested an upload yet will post more results as they come in.
Initial speed test was 80 / 38 in the afternoon but after a few more speed tests it averaged around 60 then low 50s and even hitting low 30s.There is probably no way for me to get more upload or say a 60/40 plan is there? because that is what I think I exactly need. So much better than 12/1 though.

So how are you guys going? You happy with your new ISP or you think you might change again.

Keen to try Aussie Broadband if they can really provide me with what I want.


  • +1

    I'm currently getting 80-85 down and 2mbps upload with optus cable during peak and just over 100 down off-peak.
    Dreading the switch to NBN. Paying $70/mo

    This info is probably useless to you anyway since it's not NBN

    • Yep exactly the same get about 95 - 100 optus cable. On old plan, get fetch tv and discounts with mobile as well. Was cursing a few weeks ago when nbn came to install everything. Gonna pay more for probably inferior service.

  • With Telecube I was getting 90/30 on a 100/40 plan. Switched to ABB and now get 96/38. Doubt I'll notice any real world difference, but I'm happy.

    Edit: With a FTTP service.

    • Wow that is pretty nice.

  • Switched to Mungi cause ABB are on Stop Sell.
    Will be moving to ABB as soon as possible cause they'll not only save me a few $/month, but I'm also far more confident that they're not a fly-by-night operator that will go to the wall just like Telecube and maybe along with Exetel are the only "small" operators I can see making it through this next 18 months.
    Simon Hackett predicted all this. The big ISP's keep getting bigger and the small ISP's can't compete.

    • It's only going to get worse when the new rules kick in…

    • Speedtests remain unchanged.. still, unsurprisingly, maxxing out my 30/10 connection at any time of day.

  • Opticomm fibre.

    100/40 with iiNet $109 per month.

    Generally averages 80/39. Off-peak it maxes out.

    Unfortunately, in terms of pricing the aren't many options on the Opticomm network.

    • Damn so some of the $89 deals dont work for you?

  • Went with ABB FW 48/9 as of this morning. Still get tower congestion on the weekends but I know that's an NBNco issue that the ISP's can't do much about. $79 PM.

    Just looking at past results and even though it is a 50/20 connection, the highest upload speed ever was 11Mbps?

    • I wonder if NBN are fiddling with the upload bandwidth to increase download capacity?

      • Maybe. I had read that somewhere else and it would make sense I guess.

  • Will probably change to 50/20 after a month.. feels kind of a waste to pay $20 more for only a few mbps extra

    Edit: Just got off with mate customer rep they are great and easy to talk to and made changes to go down to 50/20 since steam is capping at 44 atm so no point paying for 100/40 atm

    $59 a month for 5-6 more months then up to $69 a month.. not too bad.. I think only exetel is cheaper over the long run but I have heard bad stories about them recently with their customer service and data usage fair usage policy (shaping heavy downloaders).

    • Pretty sure Exetel did that for ADSL back in the day. Haven't heard them do it for NBN

      • Not taking any risks especially after some stuff with Telecube.. better safe than sorry now I say.

        If they did it in the past they will do it again most likely.

        History tends to repeat itself.

  • Currently on a 250/100 plan and it's under performing at 208/54. Then again Speedtest isn't truly accurate.

  • What do you get during the evening? Mate/Barefoot advertise their evening speed as 20Mbps.

    • It varies.. last night was getting 50s download 38 upload right now getting 60s download 38 upload still.

      nothing above 8000 kB/s sustained right now.. I saw 9000 kB/s sustained for a little while but honestly cannot tell as I think my network monitoring solutions is not the greatest and just a rough estimate. doing loads of downloads right now atm and feels like sometimes i am getting multiple speeds of 40s 50s and even 60 mbps on all my programs at same time.. network monitoring is still premature and odd i feel at this stage having messed around with it for some time.. as always take these numbers with a grain of salt

      NetSpeedMonitor is my current go to atm (used to be glasswire and this other one i forgot the name of now but glasswire trial period has expired so does not do individual program speeds and customization anymore etc just basic features)

      Tempted to go down to 50/20 because it is not far from it but my intuition is telling me now to stay with 100/40 as I might be getting closer to 80 or even random peak speeds higher in burst but I just don't know it.. hmm i dunno but my overall web browsing and internet experience does feel hugely improved and less limited than 12/1 that is for sure.. I can only imagine what 250/100 or 1000/1000 might feel like.. man I wanna live in a world where 10 gigabit connections is the norm and usual.. I wonder what rent prices in Minnesota are like this time of year.

      • Switch to 50/20. Saving of $30 is worth it. You won't notice much difference. And for 100/40 that's pretty woeful speeds

        • I am getting 7600 kB/s speeds now so I don't know what to believe.

          Maybe I should go down.. bah

        • @AlienC: is that for DL or UL? Either way that's awful

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod: DL

          have not uploaded anything yet or streamed anything on twitch.

          Hmm maybe I should do a test run tonight and see how it goes..

          wanna be my guinea pig and can report back the quality?

          Will probably be Natural Selection 2 funny server troll gaming or maybe I could do PUBG or honestly anything from my growing steam collection.

        • @AlienC:

          wanna be my guinea pig and can report back the quality?


          Yeah run a speed test during the evening and see. Check your sync speeds in your modem settings for the best results.

  • I went straight to ABB NBN from Telstra ADSL. On 100/30 and 95% of the time we get 96/28. The other 5% we get 92/23. So we are extremely happy. Our ADSL at our old house we were lucky to get 4/2.

    • wow that is quite nice.. getting just above 50 now and it keeps spiking.

  • Can I ask what website, app etc everyone is using to test speeds?

    I'm with Tangerine and yesterday I used and it was saying I was getting 42/18 on a 50/20 connection.

    I thought that was odd because I was on carsales and it was noticeable that it was struggling to render the photos.

    I tried and it was showing 2.5/1.9 which I felt was more in line of my real world usage.

    • I use and on pc but mainly I use NetSpeedMonitor with their tray/toolbar monitoring function that displays Download and Upload in real time in the unit of your choice.

      The trial period of GlassWire is also great with excellent data usage and data tracking features.

      Other than that my gaming apps and windows store give me some idea with the estimated time remaining and live download speeds, same with firefox and chrome.

      On my android phone I just use a few top popular speed test apps there is a bunch of them including aka Ookla.

      They are all very close to one another but knowing the nature of these speedtests and fluctuation nature of internet speeds my intention was to mainly gauge what my max potential speeds could be on my specific current line which I have determined to be roughly around 60 mbps with spikes to 80 mbps sometimes but very rarely.

      As an example my steam which probably has the best report and stats feature is reporting a peak of 68 mbps today whereas yesterday it was 57 mbps.

      Sometimes I do feel some delay or slowdowns but usually it is up to par with what I am paying which is 100/40 however it is not much above 50/20 so unless I can really utilize the upload which is giving me a good full 40 so far on most of the day I may or may not go down to 50/20 but the allure of reaching 100/40 even if only for a little while is for me too hard to pass up especially as a heavy internet user and downloader etc.

      Honestly I could fully utilize a nice 10 Gigabit connection all day every day if given the opportunity but alas that is many many years away from now if not maybe even possibly next century haha at the rate Australia is going at.. grr

    • Try and ozspeedtest

    • +1

      ISP's can and do fudge speedtest data by prioritising it through their systems.

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