When you have a wall plate with 2 switches, is the fan on top or the light. Our house is actually different and I want to standardise them correctly.
Does The Fan or The Light Switch Go on Top in The Toilet/Bathroom

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- 6Fan on the top
- 68Light on the top.
Yeah I know but I just wanted to check that first.
Light on the top. Because, when you are groping for the light switch in the dark, and you run your hand down the wall from top to bottom to find the light switch, you want the light switch to be the first switch you find, not the fan.
Spot on.
I must live in a crazy house or just old because I swear mine is bottom light fan top.. but could be because it is a bit higher than the normal switch height maybe or so it feels slightly
No need to grope around we have the light switches with the small light to say they are switched on only they are reversed so the light is on when they are turned off it made it so much easier for the kids.
fan switch on the top sounds like total anarchy
in todays news other pressing question like 'should the little man in the fridge who turns the light on and hour be entitled to a 38hour work week?'
My switches are left to right, the lights on the left closest to entrance
You should set the switch horizontally.
First thing I did when I moved into this new house was to set all the switches to horizontal. I don't know how people can live with vertically gang mounted switches. It's the devil's work.
Or did you mean, leave the switch block mounted in vertical but rotate the switches so they need to be flipped sideways??? OMFG! Because that would be the best prank ever!!!
You should put the switch in the shower itself.
should put a sensor.. so you don't need a switch
I actually did that in the bathroom that didn't have a fan and in the toilet, but I left the switch connected in case someone doesn't want the fan to come on.
I only have one switch for both.
Depends where. This is only usually done if a toilet has no windows, then it needs to be on the same. If not it's usually nice to have the option
My fan switch is ON TOP.. Now I feel I'm doing something wrong, I need an electrician.
Light on top.
That way if you need a wee at 2am you don’t wake up the other half by using the fan.
Light, Fan, Heat
Physical switches? What are we, cavemen (cave people to be PC)?
That's racist. Just because they live in caves doesn't mean you can just say these things about them!
Fan hard wired into light. I don’t want to smell someone else’s stink
Why would anyone but a psycho put the fan on top?