This was posted 6 years 6 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Synology DS918+ 4GB DiskStation 4 Bay NAS $639.20 + $15 Delivery (Free with eBay Plus) @ Computer Alliance eBay


First time poster, was looking out for a NAS deal and this seems to be the best deal currently with PCSAVE code

Original 20% off Storewide @ Computer Alliance eBay Deal

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  • +1

    Good price. Been using it for a few month. Definitely worth the money paid!

    • Using it for a week. Still uploading the files to it. Its PITA to transfer the files.. takes ages to transfer about 12 TB data!

      • Had the same issue before, except my files were on individual external hard drives, ended up using the USB port and managed to transfer all files quickly. If download is much faster for you, you may want to consider moving files to USB hard drive then USB to NAS through DSM.

      • you should be able to hit 200MB/s with link aggregation easily. I have a TS453A that hits 400MB/s and makes short work of any transfers!

        Not sure about Synology but with QNAP you can use "virtual link aggregation" where it just has direct ports linking from source to the device without a switch in between, saturating both ethernet ports

        • +2

          You're limited to the host you're transferring from onto the NAS, so if your desktop has a gigabit NIC you will only be able to reach 125MB/s maximum.

          Also link aggregation only works with separate hosts for total throughput, if the NAS has 4x1Gbps NIC configured with link aggregation you won't be able to have a host transfer at 4Gbps however 4 hosts would be able to transfer to the NAS at 1Gbps each.

        • I’ll look into it. I’m currently getting 63 MB/s. Oh and with switch in between pc and 918+.

    • What drives did you end up with for it? I'm currently using an 1813+ but figured density is way better now so can squeeze a lot more in a smaller unit.

      • bought 2x3TB plus my old 2x2TB with it. Didn’t want to spend much on the drives at the moment, it’s more than enough for me now.

      • +2

        4x8tb seagate ironwolf.

      • I have a 1813+ too. Got 6 x 4TB in mine. Left room to fit 8-10TB drives in it one day and migrate over. You're right though, 8 slots in the old days can easily downsize to 4 today for the average person. I like 5 slots personally as I run a Hyrbid RAID-6 and lose 2 to redundancy, 3 for capacity. 5x8 or 5x10 would see me through the next 5-6 years probably.

  • +2

    Have had for a month or two now with no issues runs quite well with some WD reds.
    Replaced a defective 916+ that had mobo issues after a year of use.

    Have it paired currently with an Nvidia shield to play 4K HDR Atmos files.

    • Nice! So it can stream 60-80GB movies?

      • +1

        Highest size I have tried is 55gb but that played fine. System supports gigabit connections so I think it could.

  • Ohhhh god, don't do this!!!!

    I have a DS217J and looking to upgrade, someone convince me not to.

    • +11

      I like that this has hardware transcoding for x265. Wait, that isn't helping.

      • +1


    • Would this help as an optional upgrade? ;)
      Samsung 970 EVO 1TB MZ-V7E1T0BW AUD$399.20 @ Computer Alliance eBay with eBay code: PCSAVE + free shipping with eBayplus. eBay item number: 173299411853

      • +1

        I just bought an 970 EVO HAHAHA. I'm really just wanting to move all the HDD out of my main computer and central store everything.

        • Easy peasy with this.

        • I only have SSDs in my PC and all the spinners are in the NAS. Apart from the speed it makes your PC verrry quiet! Which is nice.

    • +2

      I think it’s money well spent.. oh I thought you asked us to convince you.

    • +1

      Build your own? Cheaper, more versatile that can hold lots more HDD's.

  • -1

    I reckon Qnap are better since they have diskstations the can also play media from the box and has a remote etc.

    • What do you need a remote for ?

      • -1

        Control the media player

        • -1

          TV Remote does that ? ( must be missing something )

        • +1

          QNAP decodes the media on the box, you plug into it with HDMI direct so it is the media centre. If the QNAS was being used as storage only and the TV was decoding you would be correct.

        • -1

          You are either not good at reading or you are just trolling.
          I said it "can play media from the box", "to control the media player". If you can't decipher that bit of sentence then you have serious problems.
          Otherwise go look at QNAP website and look at the ones that have remotes and answer your own question.

        • @bogak:

          Cheers mate, could not understand my you would want another Remote, when your TV can do it all.

          I now understand "play media from the box" is not like every other NAS, but you connect it to your TV via HDMI.

    • +2

      Can't say qnap is better. It's personal choice. Depending on model. Not all model include remote. One of benefit is can connect directly to your TV and play through hdmi.

    • We have the Qnap TS-453A and Synology DS916+ at work for more than a year now, I prefer the Synology much better I even bought a DS1515+ for home use. The Synology interface is much cleaner/easier to use plus to me it looks like it has better 3rd party application support.

  • my DS213j is still standing! no issue apart from a little bit slow copying files. I was tempting to upgrade to DS218+ for $436. This looks like a better deal.

    • Yeah I'm in the same boat. I was wondering about how you xfer the file across? (Well I'm hoping to reuse the existing drives in the new unit if possible)

      I find the ds212j really slow serving up webpages for sonnar & sabnzb an rarely break 3MBps when d/l files.

      • Same here too, with 2x HGST 8TB drives. Mine comes out of standby randomly, would love another owner to comment if theirs does the same?

      • I am using SMB transfer. I believe 512mb ram is the bottleneck especially I am running multiple services such as surveillance station

  • +1

    Not really a deal unless you get the free delivery. MSY sells the same unit for $654 which is the same as this.

    • Good point, although stock is fairly lower or non-existent across a lot of location. Watch out for that.

  • This was the only deal along with the NAS drives that I used eBay plus for. Otherwise plus subscription is going downhill

  • Great machine. Bought one in the last deal, excellent media server.

  • Can I use this like the way Dropbox or google drive work?

  • +1

    Have been tempted by this for the duration of the deal, then I was thinking I'd need an SSD volume (rather than a cache), and 4bays might not be enough for that. So I was looking at the DS1618+, then I found out the DS1019+ 5-Bay is coming out very shortly. It might be worth waiting for if you think you'll need an extra bay.

    • Hopefully come in at a good price point

  • +1

    My DS412+ is still going strong after 6 years, love these things, I'd upgrade to this but don't even feel the need to yet (I did upgrade the ram though)

  • Great deal again, awesome product.

    Has anyone tried the Expansion Bay for this model?

    almost as cheap just to buy another one of these, but two separate plex libraries?

  • +2

    Can't recommend Synology enough.. Upgraded to this model earlier this year and only had to upgrade due to needing more space.

    Old model (DS413j) is still working after 6 years without fault.

    • +1

      Their routers are great also.

      With a nas the corner of my desk is a very expensive section of the house…

    • I have just recently upgraded to DS218+
      After using 5 years of my DS213air

      My old NAS is still running
      But it is just too slow today
      Very happy with my new NAS :)

  • +1

    QNAP has better NAS hardware while Synology has better UI and apps support
    It's all comes to personal preference tho
    I have setup both in a small company before but I use Synology at home

    For personal use, used most with the Photo Station, Moments, Drive and Surveillance Station
    While the IP Cam license in Surveillance station is very expensive
    I do like the App UI and compatibility to pretty much all IP cams (eg. using ONVIF or RTSP)

  • My ds212j still happily serving movies thru Plex. Keen to upgrade just can't convince the missu

  • How does this compare to DS218+? I don't really need 4 bays as a home user. DS218+ also supports VMs which is what I after. Should I pay for other features which I don't really need?

    • +1

      DS218+ is a Dual core while DS918+ is a Qard core
      2GB Ram (max 6GB) vs 4GB Ram (max 8GB)

      I would say if you are running high demanding VM instances then go for 918+
      Otherwise 218+ is already good enough for most stuff

      • I’m running 10gb RAM in my 218+
        Runs a couple of VM very well in addition to standard NAS activities.

  • is this cheapest 4 bay that can torrent stream to kodi/plex with no problem at all?

    • Nope, cheaper is to make your own. You can have at $300 - $400.

  • +2

    I was initially looking at a NAS - I got a readyNas and it just keeps crashing out after a number of days of heavy usage. I then built a Raspberry PI, installed ntfs-3g, realVNC, samba, setup squid proxy (to cache my browsing) and qBittorrent-Nox, connected a 2.5" 5TB seagate with a Y cable and have my ~$250 5TB device for multiple purposes using a couple of USB power ports with some real low power usage.

    I also found this article here (guide to configure NAS)

    Obviously - if you want to RAID or do something more, than further investigations is required, but if your going to build a simple sharing mechanism to do the occasional torrenting, save yourself the $$$$ and spend a couple of hours configuring a Pi.

  • Hi guys,
    Do you connect your computer with router or NAS wirelessly?
    I have a NAS system installed at home and connected to my ORBI RBK50 Router via the cable. However, when I upload files to the NAS wirelessly, the speed is only 5MB/s. So I have to connect my computer with ORBI router with wire to achieve a better speed (around 80MB/S). Anyone can help me?

    • It sounds like you may be connected only on 2.4Ghz WiFi. Does your router support 5Ghz? I get over 30MB/s.

      • Yes, it is a tri-band router but it doesn't give me the option to use 2.4 or 5g for my devices. My current router is ORBI RBK50, very expensive and cost me over $500+.
        My old powerline router do 2.4 and 5g seperately, but unfortunately the speed was still very slow.
        30MB/s is not bad compared with my speed, but I reckon NAS should do better than this.

  • Any reason to upgrade to this over an N40L?
    Does it support data encryption at rest?

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