• expired

Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Android App - 75% discount - only $2.50 !!


MASSIVE 75% discount until Sunday 27th Feb
Normally $9.99

Who is it for?

This is a medical app designed for health professionals working in the Australian medical system.

What is myMBS?

Designed for Aussie health professionals (doctors, nurses, proceduralists), myMBS offers the entire Australian Medicare Benefits Schedule directly on your mobile device. Already a success on the iPhone platform (having made #2 ranking in Medical apps), myMBS is now available on the Android users!


  1. The entire Medicare Benefits Schedule at your finger tips
  2. No internet connection required
  3. AMA fees for easy reference
  4. Quickly browse or search items using text/numbers
  5. Colour coded items for easy viewing
  6. Organise favourite lists for frequently used items
  7. Assistant fee calculation - including ability to use AMA fees
  8. Free Updates - as the Schedule is updated!


To celebrate our launch, we are offering myMBS at $2.50 until the weekend. Normally priced at $9.99 for Android, this represents a 75% saving!


Click below:
Android users: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.mbs.android

Hope you enjoy :)
Feel free to leave any feedback, and we will get back to you asap.

Galen Medical
-follow us on Facebook for more updates: http://facebook.com/galenmed

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Great to see it on Android :-)
    But why was it free for iPhone and not for Android? :-(

    • For some reason, we found it a pain to port to Android - infact, it was a total rewrite with some improvements.

      • -1

        are you serious?

      • Difficult or not, us Android users appreciate the effort :-) More companies should, especially as the stats are suggesting that android sales are beginning to overtake the Apple brigade…

    • +2

      Nope, that was for iPhone. And it was a promotion code - not free.

      The app was always on sale for iPhone at $3.99.

      This bargain is for the Android platform.

      Don't know why you voted negative.

      • -6

        thats what he said iphone

        • -6

          Why no android promotional code?

  • -2

    link still says $10 no bargain

    • I clicked it at $10 too…but retried it, and its fixed

    • +5

      Why are ozbargain-ers so critical?

      Check the link please. There was obviously a lag between our update and when google updates the Android Market.

  • +1

    does anyone know if you buy apps, do they get stored on a google account so you can re-download later if you need to hard reset your phone?

    • yes they stay attached to your google account.

  • Sorry, must have taken some time for google to update the Android market.

  • +1

    There are NO promotion codes available for Android platform.

    Correct us if we are mistaken.

    Sorry if you do not appreciate our efforts. As we have worked hard to bring this app for Android users following requests.

    • I believe you are correct. I cant see anywhere to enter in a promotion code. 75% off is definitely a reasonable discount, thank you. Although, are you able to have it for free for only a couple of hours to 24hrs max? I think it would be beneficial to get your count for downloads up as well as ratings. Personally, i dont like downloading apps unless they have quite a few downloads and a decent rating.

      • -1

        The problem is setting to 'Free' is permanent (it's really stupid). So there's no way for us to change to a 'Paid' app if we did that.

        We feel the price we've set is reasonable - cheaper still than the iPhone version (currently $3.99). So, it is a promotion in its own right.

        You may have noticed our previous promotion for the iPhone version - with 50 free promo codes. This was quickly snapped up. But do note - the iPHone version was NEVER on sale for Free - it was always $3.99 on the app store.

        If Android has promo codes, we would definitely offer the same to Android users. Given the situation, we believe $2.50 is a good sale price for a useful app.

        • As i said, it is definitely a reasonable offer and very generous of you. Are you 100% sure there is no way to change it back? As weightloss trainer for cardio trainer is 'free for a limited time'.

        • -1

          Kimba88, yes we are sure.

          This is a screenshot of the developer account:

        • Thanks pwanda, all good. You really didn't need to prove it :-)

        • The problem is setting to ‘Free’ is permanent (it’s really stupid).

          That is, i guess you can set the price to 1 cent if you wanted it to be free.

  • -4

    Hmmm normal price $10?? You have got to be joking surely. This app aint worth $10. Personally I couldn't care less what the rebate values are and wouldn't even pay $2.50….

    • +2

      What profession are you in stewy?

      • probably the one that called patient

    • +1

      its for medical professionals..

  • +2

    Here is the free online version - always current and very easy to search.


    • +1

      Yes, we have a link to that in our app too.

      But good luck if you are in an operating theatre with no 3G reception and the only computer is being hogged by an aggressive theatre nurse ;)

      • +2

        I'd surely hope that most surgeons don't check their iPhones while in the operating theater.

        • +6

          Surgeons would be way smarter than that. - They'd check their Android phones :P

      • +2

        I find it hard to believe that a doctor in the middle of a procedure would suddenly have the need to check the MBS.

        You would hope that all those details had been determined before they got to the operating theatre…

      • theres always the option of using the old fashioned book every theatre has them and actually much quicker to use and browse through

  • +2

    Out of interest what's the point of finding out the costs of procedures if you work in the public system?

    • +4

      to figure out how much you COULD be earning if you leave…

  • cant see the point just go to www.mbsonline.gov.au and you get the entire mbs book for free thats what I use
    or download the pdf for free whats the point of this

    • -1

      If you are office based, definitely use online.

      I take it you are not a public hospital surgical reg

      • lol he is a surg reg you clown

  • if you are a public hospital surgical reg you don't need to know these things…

    • Oh really?

      I cannot count the number of times I have been hassled by theatre nurses for 'item numbers' after a case.

      How else do you think the hospital can get funding from the state government?

      • +1

        That's a very Victorian thing. We don't do it so much in NSW.

        $2.50 is overpriced for something I already have (MBS in PDF on my iPad) and I'm grumpy that I didn't get a code for the iOS version.

        • As a surg reg I do not have the patience to search clumsily through a PDF file as large as the MBS. And with iPads scrolling through a large PDF is not exactly smooth nor fast. This may change with ipad 2.

          Regardless, our app is tailored to find item numbers easily. $2.50 is the cost of a coffee.. Save you time so you can go to grab one..

        • how hard is it to type find into a pdf for example
          instantly comes up with 30445
          type in cholangiogram you get 30439
          but then again mostly use the same numbers so don't need to look up much and when i do book is more useful

      • hospitals are funded by weiss points mbs numbers arent that important in terms of public hospital funding

  • Aussman, I suggest you try searching through the MBS PDF in iBooks. See how long it takes.
    Good luck.

    • its rare i need to search for a number given I use the same ones most of the time
      and this android program many quick pdf viewers for android as well as iphone
      also pdfs are available for each component of the mbs book so only carry around the therapeutic procedures part

      • If all you do is inguinal hernias all day long, then you do not need to look through even the MBS book. And you certainly would not benefit from our app.

        This app is for the majority…

        • insulting surgeons is a good way to spread your business

  • where do you work pwanda?

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