Just got this email from Ice TV as my membership lapsed a few months ago. Use the coupon to get 12 months for $39.
Ice TV $39 for 12 months subscription (ends Midnight 27th of Feb 2011)

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Been using Shepherd http://svn.whuffy.com/ for the last few years for free. As good or better data sources as long as you have the brains (or a 10 year old) to set it up.
I didn't think this worked on "off the shelf" PVR's. I have a Beyonwiz DP-S1 and a MythTV PC Box(love having 5 tuners). MythTV uses Shepherd which is awesome but I didn't think the Beyonwiz could use it. Am I wrong????
me too
Excellent deal, they have these every few months, you'd be mad to pay full price for their service…it's totally worth $40..not so much $99.
How much better is the info compared to the "Freeview" guide?
Not Better but
"Only Freeview-endorsed devices are permitted to access the new Freeview EPG using MHEG-5. Unfortunately buying a Freeviewendorsed recorder means sacrificing other features. In order to display the Freeview logo, manufacturers must disable the ad-skipping in their Personal Video Records, limit fast-forward speeds to 30x and block methods of copying recordings off the device. Such devices are still permitted to fast-forward through the ads, but they're not permitted to jump forward in 30 second increments. The Freeview advertising campaign does not reveal these restrictions."
Thank you. Just added another year to my subscription which was supposed to expire in August.
$40 should be normal price but whatever, a deal's a deal.
Thanks! Added 12 months to my subscription, $39 is the best price I can remember seeing.
What PVRs do you guys use that support Ice, preferably on the cheaper end obviously? I have a cheapo from catch and fairly sure it doesn't support any third party software.
I've got a Beyonwiz D2P2.
Over many many, years I hate to think of how many thousands I've spent on video recorders … and NEVER got the timer to work for recordings (except on Foxtel, and mine doesnt cover free-to-air)! … and regressing in recent times couldn't even get the recorders to work at all. Apart from relatives, I've even paid for experts to come in and they failed too (although to be fair I probably couldn't find the manuals for them)!!!!! so I stopped buying em a couple of years ago.
I've got a Beyonwiz DP-P2 - should I get IceTV? I guess so, its on the list below.
Now Im an Ozbargainer I'll make the effort to fix it up.
Yeah I think half price is generally the best I have seen… Great deal!
I used it as a new member and it worked… :)
Interesting mail pasted below I just got from Tivo (yes I'm a tivo owner). I wonder if ICETV will offer something similar….
Changes to your TiVo Electronic Program Guide (EPG) Service:
As of 24th February 2011, your TiVo On-Screen Program Guide will now include "up-to-the-minute*" program times for Channel Nine instead of rounded half hour scheduling. Nine has recently started to provide this program data and we are passing on this benefit to our customers.
This means that from this date onwards every single Network that provides up-to-the-minute program times will now be incorporated into your On-Screen TV guide as part of your TiVo Service.
Historically, all broadcaster(s) provided "rounded" times only and thus, the published times would usually display times to the nearest 1/2 hour (as an example). An "Up-to-the-minute" EPG displays the announced airtime (within 1 minute) of when the broadcaster intends to air the scheduled program. Actual air-times may still vary if the broadcaster has an unannounced program, re-schedule or cancellation (for example, in the event of breaking major news), but otherwise, your recording times will be much more reliable than they have been in the past.
The following networks: Seven, Nine, Ten & ABC will now all display scheduled program start and finish times that are "up-to-the-minute".
These more accurate program times should appear on your TiVo following a successful update connection to the TiVo service in the early hours of the 24th of February.
If your TiVo has not successfully connected to the TiVO Service during this time you can go to "TiVo Central">"Messages & Settings">"Settings">"Network">"Connect to the TiVo Service Now" - simply by using your TiVo remote. This change will not affect your existing Season Passes or WishList Searches.
The TiVo Team
i never understood why people pay for services like this when info is available for free anyway? is there more functionality or something with having IceTV?
because according to their website (http://www.icetv.com.au/about/topup.shtml), normal price is $156!! "$99 save $57" !!
I cant neg this deal because I dont know the product, but surely this thing isnt worth $100-150 anyway?
Info is available for free. But not in a format for PVR and Media PC's. Reliably.
Definitely not worth $100. But OK for $30 or so.
so its the up to date info and being able to record accurately that's the big selling point?
also, i guess with HTPC's you'll need a guide of some sort…. so I guess fair enough. still, who'd pay $100?
You could read what kogi wrote above
he talked about freeview limitations, which Im already aware of. i was asking about Ice in particular.
I have a Beyonwiz DP-S1 and had IceTV for a free trial about 3 years ago. It wasn't stable at that stage (missed heaps of recordings) so I didn't renew. I expect it's better now. The main advantage that I see over the free over-the-air guide is the following:
1) you can set up series record (like a Tivo). Just tell it to record eg Topgear at any time it is airing on any channel or only one channel or only in one timeslot etc.
2) web setting of all recordings from anywhere in the world.
3) smartphone setting of recordings anywhere in the world.
4) I think it is supposed to be more accurate/up to date data.One of the things I didn't like was that if I set a recording from IceTV website and was later sitting in front of the TV and decided to have a last minute look at the guide from the Beyonwiz whatever I had set from ICeTV web did not show up as a highlighted/scheduled recording so I couldn't tell if there was going to be an available tuner to record something at the last minute. So realistically I had to only set recordings on the IceTV website. This may have changed from 3 years ago though.
I have since moved on to a MythTV PC based PVR with 5 tuners which has so much more functionality than any off the shelf PVR I couldn't possibly go back to the Beyonwiz now. Comes with a lot of setup hassles though as it only runs on Linux so probably only for the technically minded of us. Sorry, getting off track a bit.
I personally don't pay for it just for the guide.
Not only does it give a whole lot more detail for a longer period to my Windows 7 HTPC but it also allows me to remotely queue something on TV to record using the IceTV iphone app.Bonus's are a clean EPG that enables me to accurately colour code stuff in the MC7 TV guide… it's cool for me :)
IceTV is great on my Topfield PVR. I love being able to set recordings from the website and even my phone too.
Cant remember I actually set something to record on the box directlyIt's a pretty amazing service if you use the Android app / Windows Media Centre combo.
Yes, I used to screw around with the "free" services, running downloading apps and scrapers in the early days but then it did eventually become much easier to just grab the EPG data from various free sources without much trouble. However, for me, ICETV is worth the extra money for a number of reasons, among them convenience, reliability, accuracy, support and the iPhone app which lets you browse and schedule individual shows or entire seasons from your phone to your PC/HTPC/Mac/Whatever. If I had to pay $99 for it I would probably still be persisting with the free data, but for $40-$50 a year it's worth it for me.
Also, don't forgot, existing member can take advantage of this deal to top up your existing subscription, I'm current to 2013 thanks to some previous good deals (yeah, that's a little crazy, I know).
good info, thanks man.
Thanks for posting, I have been waiting for a deal before renewing my existing account.
Funnily enough I didn't receive the email on this deal :(
I have a Topfield PVR and interested in getting this for the remote web setting of recordings. Just wondering though, does the PVR have to be left on all the time just in case you want to remote set, or does it somehow get the info from your router even if it is not powered on? Apologies if this is a silly question.
Thank you very much, just topped up my account by 12 months :)