I've got an i5 6500, 16gb ram, H170 mobo, GTX 1070 and 2tb hard drive storage. APP seems to run relatively slow in terms of actually using it and the render times could be better. What hardware changes should I make?
Adobe Premiere Pro - faster UI and rendering

I'm not sure what to upgrade to though
Largest Sandisk SSD and highest spec i7 process and motherboard you can afford/want to spend.
for better user exp, get an SSD
for faster rendering, get used i7-6700
Is it really worth upgrading within the same generation? The benefits would be minimal for the cost.
the rendering times are linear so the benefits of 4 extra threads are no slouch and definitely not minimal at anyway.
his board can get him 6700/6700k/7700/7700k (w/ bios update) , either choices are good from used market for whichever he can find a bargain on.
new cpu/mobo and 16gb ddr4 ain't cheap and cost/performance are simply not worth it for a new build comparing to this cpu upgrade alone, unless he got cash to burn
Yeh I'm waiting for a cheap 500gb m.2 ssd, idk my feelings towards to i7-6700, as in if I could get it for a reasonable price.
have a look at manufacturer website, your board should supports kaby with bios update
so you can go either 6700/6700k/7700/7700k , whichever bargain you can find avail.
7700k on gumtree are around 3xx used.
K variant is still worth it even w/o OC, as base clocks are 4.2ghz across all 8 threads
The processor (or CPU) is one of the most important pieces of a Premiere Pro workstation. That i5 is relatively weak and would need to upgrade it and most likely new motherboard too.