This was posted 6 years 5 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Nintendo eShop 'Play Online Sale'


Some decent discounts on the Switch eShop in preparation for the launch of the Nintendo Switch Online service:

  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo) – $53.30 (was $79.95)
  • Splatoon 2 (Nintendo) – $53.30 (was $79.95)
  • ARMS (Nintendo) – $53.30 (was $79.95)
  • DOOM (Bethesda) – $53.30 (was $79.95)
  • FIFA 18 (EA) – $18.49 (was $49.95)
  • Rocket League (Psyonix) – $17.73 (was $25.34)
  • 20XX (Batterystaple) $16.09 (Was $22.99)
  • Human: Fall Flat (Curve Digital) $11.25 (Was $22.50)
  • Chess Ultra (Ripstone Publishing) $9.99 (Was $16.65)

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closed Comments

  • +8

    At least Nintendo games are on sale this time

  • Are these like PlayStation, where I can't sell such digital copies?

    • +1


    • +5

      no one can sell or transfer the licence for their digital games - you can't even bequeath them to your children when you die. The company owns the games, you simply lease them for whichever console you pay the rental fee for them on.

      • +4

        And that's why I still buy them in hard copies…

        • +2

          The flipside of this, though: my DS got stolen. I lose all the physical games I had with it. But I could simply redownload the digital ones on my new DS. Their account stuff on DS is a pain so it took a phone call, but I got them all back.

          There are genuine disadvantages with digital. But there are also advantages (particularly with a portable device).

      • Should be illegal, like it is (or at least was?) in Germany. No such thing as renting software there.

  • +1

    When is Pokemon Tournament going to be on sale?

  • Awesome. Grabbed Mario Kart and Human: Fall Flat. Cheers OP.

  • +4

    Wow, essentially $45 Mario Kart for those who got 15%off eshop cards.
    I recommend getting the digital copy for those who like playing in short bursts

    • +1

      Totally agree. Best to always buy digital copies of multiplayer games so you don't have to worry about changing the cartridge when friends are over

      • +2

        I still prefer cartridges as I can sell them when I'm finished with the game and recoup a fair chunk of the original cost.

        • +7

          You shouldn't ever sell Mario kart though…

        • @ExpressCoffee:

          I can't wait to sell it. But I'm struggling to win and the completionist in me says I must clock it first :p

  • +1

    Damn. No Mario Tennis.

    • +1

      Would be great to have more players, finding games in the later rounds of tournaments (especially simple mode) takes forever these days.

      • +1

        I'm yet to try simple mode. I think the power-gauge and star shots add some nice tactical elements to the game. Assuming you play simple mostly, do you play this mode because it's more of a 'pure' tennis game?

        In general I have to say Mario Tennis is a fantastic game and multiplayer/online play just doesn't get boring.

        • +1

          Just like playing the classic Mario Tennis way on occasion.

  • Buying a switch today . Any downside to Digital? May also purchase a second one later.

    • +3

      The games are exactly the same you just don't own a physical copy and therefore can't sell it or lend it to anyone in the future if you choose

    • +4

      Get a minimum 256gb SD card if you're going digital. Or if you're getting a second console stay physical, unless the second one is going to be used for 'other' purposes.

    • +1

      The main downsides are:

      1. If buying digital, you can't sell when you've finished the game like you can with a cartridge.
      2. It takes up hard drive space, which can be a problem once you have a reasonable catalogue of games.
    • +4

      I would strongly suggest sticking to physical for Nintendo consoles.

      Nintendo games (mainly first party, but anything popular) hold their value extremely well over the years and are generally cheaper (eShop sales suck). The games don't take up a lot of space, and you have the ability to loan them to friends.

      I also wouldn't risk tying all my game purchases to an online account.

      • Yeah, except games that only suit play in short bursts. Get those digitally.

        Eg: crypt of the necrodancer.

        Often those games are digital only anyway.

    • Thanks everyone. Looks like I'll just get digital for everything. Forgot I need a huge sd card etc. I'll probably also use my second console for 'other ' stuff

      • Depending on how often you buy games, investing in an SD card might save you some money because physical games are often on sale but digital are marked RRP to the high heavens.

    • Digital is way more convenient with a portable. You don't need to carry around cartridges. You will want a large external SSD though

    • Downsides are
      - no resale
      - more reliance on internal storage or SD cards
      - can’t loan games
      - one day Nintendo will likely shut down the Switch online services and you’ll be stuck with what you had downloaded at the time. Ok if your current console survives but if it doesn’t (or your sad card dies) and you grab another second hand, you probably won’t be able to get your games into it. This will be years and years and years away and only be an issue if you like to keep and revisit old systems. Note not all cart games are immune as many have mandatory updates, but many would be playable without online services.

      Additionally moving forward you’ll probably find Big W etc have most physical titles for less than the digital ones, at least for new releases. If you 100% commit to digital, expect to pay more. No reason you can’t mix and match.

  • How long is the offer on?

  • If you buy Doom from South African eshop (you can change your store region online willy nilly from here: it's $46 AUD vs $53 AUD.

    Only thing is changing region will lose any wallet funds you have added to your account. Ie if you had $15 value on your account when you switch to SA store it will clear it. Also requires a restart of your switch if you keep it in sleep mode.

    • Also requires a restart of your switch if you keep it in sleep mode.

      No, you only need to re-enter you password when opening eShop.

      Also I’m not sure we can use any Australian bank card in SA eShop.

    • +2

      I appreciate your effort, but for 7 bucks I'd rather just keep everything on the same account and not deal with region swapping or anything.

    • +2

      I want the South African version of farm simulator.

      • +2

        That's like Torment level 5, where they take your farm and you loose all your progress and have to start again.

  • I cant go online on my switch anymore :( #sxprolife

    • How is this working out? I have an sx pro sitting in my drawer but think it's too soon. Afraid of getting banned from console updates and any new games coming out. I hear 6.0 is coming out soon.

      • no dramas so far, easy as to setup. I dont have to use the dongle really since my switch rarely uses power.

    • stealth mode?

      • more info needed….

        • Latest update blocks comms to Nintendo.

        • @Soluble: Which is essentially the same as having a banned switch lol.

        • @Soluble:
          hmm, so you are blocked but what i guess you couldnt do anything online anyway? SO no eshop, no software updates, no online play, no friend chat etc? Its just a failsafe incase people sometimes forget to leave airplane mode on…?

        • @cjb: Pretty much, but airplane mode block everything. With the stealh you can still DL homebrew. It's just anything Nintendo is blocked.

    • checkout Freeshop NX, a special version of Nintendo eshop :)

      • guarantee to lead to a ban? Also, how do people actually know they are banned….?

  • +10

    Found some eShop links so you can buy from the eShop without having to use your Switch
    Mario Kart 8
    Human: Fall Flat
    Chess Ultra

  • Oh (profanity) yeah, I got a 50% bonus trade voucher in my email for EB. If Mario Kart pulls in 40 odd bucks like it did last time I looked, I'll trade that for some eShop cred, it's one of the games I'd prefer to have on me at all times, but I was never gonna pay full digital price when it was 60 on cart at launch.

    Cheers OP, had to head into EB later anyway and wouldn't have looked at the Switch before then.

  • If Amazon match the digital that will be awesome!

  • Has anyone tried price matching eShop deals with JB hi-fi?

    • +3

      Does JB Hi-fi offer digital titles because I highly doubt they will match the price for their physical copies.

  • +2

    Overseas eshop prices:

    Title Price Country
    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $46.98 South Africa
    Splatoon 2 $46.98 South Africa
    ARMS $46.98 South Africa
    DOOM $46.98 South Africa
    FIFA 18 $16.89 New Zealand
    Rocket League $16.15 Russia
    20XX $14.17 South Africa
    Human: Fall Flat $9.18 South Africa
    Chess Ultra $8.13 South Africa


  • +1

    FIFA 19 is expected to be released on 28th September for those on the fence about purchasing FIFA 18.

  • +2

    In case anyone's wondering, Mario Kart is worth 30 to trade at EB.

    I'll be doing that, add the 20% EBW bonus and the 50% bonus voucher they sent me for 70%, making for 51 bucks they'd give me. Factor in the 267 gold coins and digi Mario costs 50.63, meaning I've basically swapped from the physical copy to a digital one for free.

    I'm all for physical copies, and prefer them in almost all cases, but Mario Kart is one of those games I'd like to have on me all the time, the only reason I went for physical, is it was 62 at launch on cart, or 80 digital, no brainer there. But now, roughly a year and a half ahead, I can finally get my preferred version for my preferred price.

    • -1

      or sell for about $55-60 used on ebay/gumtree

      • +3

        So 51 bucks, with no hassle, no seedy meetups or anything, right at the shop where I'll be buying the 50 buck eShop card I want to buy the digital version with.

        Or mess around on Gumtree and hope to eventually find someone, who hopefully isn't too seedy, who also enjoys being ripped off, to make 4 to 9 dollars. Then to have to go to EB and buy an eShop voucher with said money anyway (or go to the bank and deposit the money to buy the game with my card, either of which is a hassle), and also, more importantly, hope that all this can happen before the sale ends?

        No thanks.

        …that being said though, if I wasn't getting the 70% bonus value, yeah, I'd be an absolute idiot to go to EB and take 30 for the game.

    • Can anyone confirm if the progress I've made on the cart version carries over to the digital version? I presume it would, but know a few PS4 titles had issues..

      • +2

        Has for me going to and from cart.

        Had rocket league digital, rented the physical version and it goes right in.

        Had Splatoon and Zelda physical, traded and bought digital, progress carried right over as you'd expect.

        Might have a bit of trouble if you got a foreign copy maybe, but Aussie physi to Aussie Digi works no problem.

      • Ended up buying it and can confirm I had no issues with my saved data transferring over

    • Nicely done!

  • -3

    Do they still have the garbage requirement to have the online service to back up your save games?

    I'll never give them my money if so. I've held out on PSN and XBL (although I probably will get them later), I'll hold out on Nintendo forever for this, though.

    • You still can't even back up saves yet as online service launches at the end of this month.

      But if cloud saves are behind a paywall AND there's no way to back up saves locally for free after the launch this month, then yes, Nintendo deserve to cop it.

      By the way, you are able to back up save files on Ps4 and xb1 without a subscription, the cloud service is behind the psn/live paywall, which I think is acceptable.

      • Go even further, cloud saves have been a thing since the 360, and are available absolutely free, whether you have Gold or not.

        I fired up Modern Warfare 2 on the Xbox One the other day, having not played it since like 2012 on the 360… my save was right there waiting for me through the cloud, and I never had Gold until late 2015/2016

  • -3

    Expensive for Digital!

  • Meh

    Nintendo is never competitive with price.

    Perhaps hundreds of garbage sequels later they might understand… Mario Kart 999 Deluxe or Mario Tennis 666

    • +2

      I'd buy a Satanic themed Mario Tennis in a heart beat, sounds badass.

  • A little off topic, but does anyone have Doom on Switch? If so, are you able to comment if the multiplayer is still active or reasonably active?

    I bought Splatoon 2 over a year ago but only started playing it a few weeks back and can't put it down! I was scared that it wouldn't be very active but not the case.

    I'm really only interested in the multiplayer aspect of Doom. Trying to relive the good old Quake 2 (PC) days, although acknowledge it's a different game, sort of…. it's same same but different.

    • No experience with it myself, but I have seen people organising times to play in facebook groups, which probably says there are some people playing but not enough to get regular local games

  • +1

    Mario 8 Kart - To bite or not to bite… that is the question

  • Sorta regretting not buying Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2. I have physical copies for both but it would be great to move to digital so I don't have to carry the cartridges.

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