This was posted 6 years 6 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Marvel's Spider-Man (Pre Order) $62.70 Delivered @ The Gamesmen eBay


The upcoming Marvel's Spider-man game for PS4 is currently on pre order for $62.70 at Ebay with the 5% off sale with PENNY5.
Stock seems to be limited at this time. Seller is gamesmenau who are highly rated so far.

Don't forget 1% cashback with Cash rewards.

Remember this is a pre order and this game is also available at JB Hifi for pre order for $69.
Other outlets seem to have it for a higher price. Was $99 at EB games.

Original PENNY5 5% off Sitewide on eBay Deal Post

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia
The Gamesmen
The Gamesmen

closed Comments

  • Would it work with the ebay USA thingy?

    • +1

      Yes, minimum spend is US $25 (~AU $34) for the promotion which this post meets.

    • +1

      Can confirm it does, just purchased for $56.10 AUD

      • how did you get for $56.10 AUD ?

        • +1

          Using this deal which is now expired sorry

  • Store in title (gamesmanau) and damn, might have to cancel my EB Games preorder.

    • Does EB price match on pre-orders at all? I've never thought to check, I've only ever had them price match games that are already on the shelf.

      • No they only price match the day of release.

        • Thanks. Will keep that in mind for in future.

        • I price matched my pre order for Spyro at EB. $49.

      • They will price match when you pick it up unless it's a different edition

        • Thanks, I'll keep an eye out and see if I can get it lower or I'll just cancel.

        • +1

          They often have "EB Exclusive Editions" to get around this, that come with some super minor cosmetic thing.

  • Thank (profanity) the estimated delivery is a good week or so after release.

    I got it ordered at EB for 69 because A: the recent 50% bonus trade value deal and B: the day one preorder DLC which I despise, but if I'm day one-ing I may as well get it. I was tempted to can it and grab this, but for a few bucks more I'd rather have it day one. I was peeved for a sec there.

    Good spot though, OP.

    • Yeah, I feel if you are pre-ordering something they should aim to get it to you by release day.

      • my experience with pre orders online is that they do send it earlier and once i even got it a day before release (was from JBHIFI that time)

        • Amazon AU has been good so far for getting games a day before release. God of War was a good example.

          Gamesmen on the other hand is where I actually pre-ordered God of War from. YUUUUUUGE mistake, the game came out on a Friday, and I received it Tuesday the following week.

          M E T R O P O L I T A N M E L B O U R N E

        • +1

          @Putnum: Shit, I thought I was unlucky, I got it on the Monday and I'm in Geelong.

        • @Putnum: You're one of the lucky few then mate, Amazon haven't been great for anyone I know. It's great having them here finally and I buy heaps of stuff from there but preorders have been crap for me.

    • +16

      Depending on where you're located, we totally can.

      • Does this listing come with the spiderman pre-order bonus?

  • +12

    Does anyone have a link for the XB1? Can't find it.

    • +26

      It's a PS4 exclusive game.

    • +8


    • +4

      Hahahaha! Love it.

      Trying to save you from the negs.

    • +2

      Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventure also a PS4 exclusive?

      • +25

        That one got refused classification on account of all the kissing.

    • -5

      It's made by Insomniac, long time Playstation exclusive developer.

      • +4

        Insomniac are independant. They've made games for pc and xbox most notably sunset overdrive, an xbox one exclusive.

  • +8

    Hi guys, just to clarify on the postage:

    We don't enter that estimate: it's calculated automatically by eBay, and for some reason they underpromise on release dates when talking about preorder products. We can confidently state that we'll be receiving stock prior to release, and will ship one day prior. The 14th is totally not when we'd expect people who preordered to receive the game.

    There's a good chance that once we get closer to release that window of delivery will contract.

    • +1

      Good to here. From past experience do you know if i'll receive it in Adelaide on release day?

      • +6

        Obviously we can't give any hardline guarantees, but generally the only places that we know can't receive it on the day are WA, TAS and NT — everywhere else is a distinct possibility if Express is selected (and for an extra $1.50 we'd say that's pretty fair).

        There's always the unknown element of Aus Post, but being in full control of dispatch we can promise that they'll leave as soon as possible.

    • +6

      Highly recommend the gamesmen. they have always been great to me in the past.

    • +1

      Had God of War from them, excellent service !

  • -1

    Or Prime members can pay another $2.80 (after cash rewards) to have release day delivery :/

  • Love the price OP - but have to stick with my EB preorder because of my double trade value trade in - will price match to JB on day of release though …

    • Would you mind explaining how this works exactly? I've read a couple of people who say they do this, but in this particular case what exactly will you price match? From what I can see, the JB $69 version is just the plain game without all of the preorder bonus. The preorder version of EB has all of the preorder bonus. So wouldnt EB say that they wont price match because its a different version?

      • Nope- the version is the same - the pre order bonuses are different - if needed I forego the bonuses - they are just skins…. but in saying that - the local EB sis awesome - they give me the bonuses anyway…

      • +1

        In most cases, the games across the different stores will be the same version and in this case EB will usually throw preorder extras on top of, which you will (sometimes) forgo when price matching (Does depend on the stores though and who's serving you at the time of purchase, some will remove the preorder bonuses and some will still give it to you). In other cases stores will have a distinct version from one another (for example, when Final Fantasy XV launched, EB had the King's Tale edition which was their "standard" version of the game, so they weren't price matching from other stores)

      • The biggest difference here is that the EB preorder version has the DLC "The city that never sleeps". Which is worth USD $24.99 according to the information released last night by Playstation Blog. I really wanna play the DLC's when they come out. If you're telling me I can price match the JB $69 price on EB and there's a chance I will still get the DLC on top, then I'm def going to try that. Thanks for the info. I'll update on how I go with that on release day.

        • EB Games website doesn't promote that DLC, you sure?

        • That's the digital deluxe edition on the PS Store, you're not getting that from EB.

        • +2

          Can't find anywhere on EB's site that even mentions that DLC? Not even the special edition thing that costs more makes mention, that I can see anyway…?

          Fine by me if they wanna chuck in more than I bargained for, but tbh all I was expecting was a PSN theme and some avatars I'll probably never use anyway. Surprised there's no fancy pants edition with the pass for all 3 bits tbh.

          Joke's on me though, I think I'm getting away with paying 70 for the game, but they lure me in with another 30 odd on DLC because I just can't say no to Spidey, and I end up spending the hundred I swear I'd never spend on a game. Off topic, but I'm already here, let's be real, if the first bit is ready a month or so after the main game releases, why the (profanity) didn't they delay the game to put it in there, or have it be free? I just don't appreciate that they (all publishers really) don't appreciate I just spent 70-100 dollars on the STANDARD edition of their game and it's not good enough, they gotta milk me for more DLC down the line that in most cases could have EASILY been put on the damn retail disc. Like if you work on the DLC for a fair few months or a year or so then by all means charge for it, maybe update the digital and retail versions to include it too if you're going for full price years down the line (see, GTA V's recent re-release), but don't try to sell me shit a month or two after I just spent a bundle on your damn game already and pretend you couldn't have just waited and put it on the retail disc too. I'm actually all for DLC, paid DLC too, I'm just not for being ripped off more than we need to. A hundred buck RRP for a (profanity) standard edition copy of a game ain't enough to keep you happy for a few months? Hell, I'd actually prefer if they lied and released the DLC a few months later to at least give off the illusion it took a good chunk of time and wasn't worth delaying the main game for. Rant over, sorry.

        • @FabMan: No, I'm wasn't sure. So I double checked online and saw this pic…

          Also I called EB Carindale and the lady on the phone said there would be a code with the DLC The City That Never Sleeps.

        • @PabloVicioso: That pack says nothing about the new DLC that was just announced. These are small bonuses, not the expansion you mentioned.

        • @PabloVicioso: Cheers for checking, but that isn't 'The City That Never Sleeps' DLC, it's a skin pack. As mentioned by njrobbo, that is the Digital Deluxe Edition of Spider-Man on PS4.

        • +1

          @FabMan: Yeah, I think you're right. I thought DLC would refer to The City That Never Sleeps, but its probably just the Skins and stuff. The lady on the phone didnt sound too confident when I asked her so that might explain why. Still Ill preorder try to get the extra content after price matching. Now I guess all I care about are the 5 extra skill points to save some time grinding TBH

        • +1

          @PabloVicioso: Ha! I always think of extra skill points as a little cheat, but yeah, why collect those 35 doormats so you can unlock another skill point?

        • +1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: I feel your pain bro. Same here, whatever it costs I won't say no to Spidey, which hurts my pocket in this case. (profanity) insomniac for doing this.

        • Also Insomniac confirmed on Twitter that the Special Edition (the $120 version at EB/JB) does not include the DLC.

          I'm still going to get that version because I really like the packaging (assuming it is the same as the God of War Limited edition that was in the box with the steelcase).

  • Thanks got a copy. Just noticed that it's without "day one" DLC … should have read the comments first, what do I miss?

    • +5

      3 Spider-Man skins and a drone, personally I don't care as I never use different skins. You might though.

      • +2

        A vote up just for the He-man avatar! We need a he man game!

        • I kinda hoped for a parody game of He-Man, Thundercats and Transformers. No MASK though, (profanity) those guys.

    • Is JB's version include the Day One DLC?

      EDIT: Nope

    • Nothing of value. You get it over $30 less than you would at EB, there is absolutely no chance those little bonuses are worth $30+

    • The spiderman theme, all the other day one DLC is unlockable in-game

  • thanks op bought one.
    have purchased from them before and was very happy

  • -6

    When is XBox version available?

    • +3

      most likely never, Sony owns Spiderman (they've only just 'licensed' them back to Disney for the Avengers universe movies) and now Sony are making stand alone Venom movie. so yea nah

      • a neg for giving an answer to a question sad face

      • I thought Sony owned the movie rights? Didn't know they had the game as well because he's in Lego Marvel/Avengers etc which are on all systems.

        Edit, Sony do not own the rights. Marvel Gaming does but they have said that Sony/Insomniac are the current future of Spidey games.

    • +5

      Probably never. The game is published by Sony, who also own the Spiderman rights.

    • +4

      It's a Sony exclusive

  • No way im waiting extra time for this! Day one for me sorry!

  • “Code doesn’t work on pre-orders” :/

    • Worked fine for me

    • Worked for me too

  • Great deal, but I have too many jbhifi gift cards.

  • +1

    Thanks Op, this game was not really on my radar but at $60 its worth blowing through the campagin in a week and throwing it on gumtree for $50.

  • +1

    Amazon has also price matched this to $62.70.

  • I ordered this on Amazon for $69. I just went on to cancel and order this one and they reduced the price of my order to $62.70 automatically.

    Good work Amazon.

    • Yeah, mine too.

      Pretty sure Amazon Australia have a policy of being the cheapest on release day.

      • As far as I can tell they have been quite aggressive in ensuring they have the cheapest price for any game (regardless of if it's a preorder) they sell. Within a few hours of another store discounting something, they make sure to match it at the very least.

        • I've noticed they even match grey stock, which is incredible combined with Prime.

  • Great deal! Happened to have a 10% voucher sitting in my eBay account. Brought it down to $60. Can't complain about that! Thanks to TheGamesmen! Pre-ordered :)

    • Perhaps save that for another game. It's down to $62 now.

  • How much are in any brick and mortar stores?

    • $69 at JB is the best I believe

      Target and Big W usually match that price the first week after release

  • Would EB Games price match this on Sunday?

    • I doubt it

      • Why Sunday

        • I don't know :)

        • Sunday last day of eb games extra 50% credit for trade ins if you put them towards a pre order

        • @fruitmansapote: you don’t need to price match Sunday! Just put down $69 and prices match on release day.

  • +1

    Now $59.40 with coupon PHENOM

  • Would even just be better to pre order click and collect from jbhifi. Easy to pick it up on the day instead of something going wrong with the delivery.

    • -1

      $69 vs $59.40
      plus I've ordered from them before and they came through on release day.
      In fact I've just got an email this morning saying they've packed and the game is on the way, so I expect to get this tomorrow.
      Can't complain and so long as they have this kind of service, happy to support.

  • Game posted already! Great timing

    • +1

      received today :)

      • +1

        Didn't get mine, Express post as well


  • +1

    Very disappointing. Mine was only 'shipped' and Thursday night. It hasn't even left for delivery.

    For anyone who actually got there's, did it come with the preorder bonus like it was meant too?

    • Had the same delivery performance - now the package is still in AusPost limbo in Sydney. Estimated delivery dates are now towards the end of the week. Pretty annoying.

      • +1

        Mine was only 'attempted delivery' today in metro Queensland, which is pretty disappointing TBH. Won't be pre-ordering through Gamesmen again.

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