I've recently got into cooking bacon for breakfast, and was wondering what is the best value or best tasting shortcut bacon available at the supermarkets?
Best Supermarket Shortcut Bacon

no wonder I've found it tough to find high Aussie content bacon.
Foodland in SA sell one - can't remember what it is called - had a green label (only recently found and tried for first time).
slow baked maple bacon
no supermarket bacon will be good - all probably just comes from HANS or PRIMO
better off going to a deli or something where they smoke their own.
better yet buy a smoker and do your own :)
Don't know what you're talking about - Coles do a mean Streaky Bacon
We're lucky in Tassie — supermarkets haven't totally killed independent butchers and charcuterers.
One of the better suppliers is Lethborgs Smallgoods. May or may not be associated with Lethborg Funerals
o:Apparently human meat tastes like pork, so they may have come across a cheap supply of fresh ingredients.
Pretty common for same family names in Tassie
most bacon I can find are "smoked" with luquid smoke/brine
where can you find proper ones?Costco is okay, but not always streaky enough.
Daily bacon? You're game.
Bacon is a personal preference. Some like it thin and crispy, others like it fat like ham steaks.
All can be hit and miss. Generally, I'd go for butcher / deli meats under the assumption that there's less preservatives, though in reality they probably come from the same abattoir, packaged by the same people.
Always look at the bacon prior to buying. I stay away if there's a green reflective shine or too much fat.
Good butchers will have their own bacon (as maybe one of the commercial brands as well at lower cost).
British Sausage Company Bacon at Coles
https://shop.coles.com.au/a/a-national/product/british-sausa…British style cure.
Coming from the UK, I'll second that. Also Dandy bacon tastes quite similar to that but is a fair bit cheaper too. Just check the size of the slices you're getting in the pack, as they do seem to be hit & miss if you're after consistent thicknesses.
What an experience awaits you.
You really need to experiment with a few different types: short cut / streaky / smoked / etc. Find the one that you really like.
And then go to a butcher and try some of their product. Some win awards for the quality of their bacon and can be quite proud of it.