FREE Kit Kat Gold 65g @ 7/11 Your Good Call-Freebies for Completing Surveys

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Sign up to 7/11's Your Good Call website and complete surveys to receive FREEBIES….

I recently signed up and completed a small 2 minute survey, and have just got an email advising I got a reward.

"Your latest Your Good Call Reward has landed!

Thank you for being active on Your Good Call in the last month. Your input is a huge help to us here at Your Good Call Headquarters!
"Your reward for the month is a FREE Kit Kat Gold Share Bar 65g!"

The email has a barcode which you scan to get the FREEBIE.

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  • thanks op

    a bit of effort there for a choc bar, esp if you don't have a 7/11 close to you

    • +1

      No worries.
      Just doing my part here, and letting people know!
      FYI, the survey I did was something like 6 questions that you tick a box & click next. Really no effort.
      Not a huge deal, for sure, but these little ones all add up.

      • sorry OP if it came across as a personal attack
        yes it is easy to do the survey
        my point being if I do get the voucher, I have to drive 30 min to go to my nearest 7/11 to get a bar of chocolate
        for me personally it would be a bit of effort to get it
        but I did thank you, since I knew others may benefit from it

        • Howdy,
          Nope, did not come across that way, so its cool, but thanks for clarifying.
          I was not sure if you were querying the actual effort for this deal, which, honestly, for me, took 20 seconds, so to score a what $3 choccy bar, that's a deal in my book.
          Something I did not post(I guess I should have) is it's valid until October 1st, so just over a month to redeem!
          …and yes you did, so thank you
          Now just contemplating whether to try at another store and see if it works, or I get blacklisted…..

        • @humptygotup:

          I was not sure if you were querying the actual effort for this deal

          The online bit is the easy bit
          For me driving out of my way to the nearest 7/11, would take upwards of $30 minutes. That to me is not worth the reward of a $3 chocolate.
          If the store was a minutes walk away, different story

  • +1

    Not a bargain when you have to do a month of surveys.
    Often these prizes don't work and there's no guarantee you'll be selected for receive it.

  • Just complete one too. Given 200 points too. what's the points for.

    • Users with the top 10% amount points get the reward at the end of the month.
      (Can't actually tell if you have more points than other users)

      • Oh OK, thanks. Is this documented anywheres?

  • Can't find the survey? I've looked under the Surveys tab but no surveys to complete.

  • Signed up, did the initial survey, 'earned' 200 points, waiting to see how annoying this might become.

  • +1

    I wouldn't really count this as a deal…like someone said, it's hard to tell if you'll get it or not.

    Just consider it a nice bonus but it is probably not worth the effort, unless you're also interested in potential 7 11 products. If you're after surveys for cash, there are other sites that have better, more consistent rewards.

  • I get a freebie every month, the surveys don't take long and I don't even do all of them

  • Have always got the rewards, easy to do the surveys, well worth joining IMO. This is not a draw, you will always get a reward for completing a short survey. They rarely take more than 5 mins to do.

  • some months your don't hear anything from them, they may occassionally send out a survey on whether you would buy certain products from a 7-11 or a voucher for some random product.

    so they don't annoy that much

    which could be drinks, donuts, biscuits, chocolate, or ice creams.

    and at the end of the year whatever good call points you earned can be used to win various items

    i have also found that some 7-11's won't honour the Vouchers by saying their scanner can't read it

  • OK, I am sort of glad I posted this, because it seems unclear whether this is a 'random' award or not.
    Some are claiming to always get it, some claim this is pot luck, but yet to see anything documented about how this is rewarded!
    Therefore, anyone from 7-11 here(or those in the know), can you set the record straight?

    • FAQ on the site state the same thing Sage mentioned above. (

      "Monthly vouchers will be emailed to members at the end of each month based on the amount of points you have accumulated. The top 10% of points earners for each month are guaranteed a reward for that month however 7-Eleven may often provide a reward to a larger number of Good Callers, depending on product and store availability. If eligible you will receive your monthly reward voucher in the first week of the following month.

      Monthly rewards will be different each month. The monthly rewards are decided by 7-Eleven and subject to store availability. Past rewards have included vouchers for Krispy Kremes, Red Bull and Magnum Ice Creams. Monthly rewards cannot be refunded/exchanged for cash or other products."

  • "Don't miss out on exclusive offers and guaranteed rewards for your participation!"

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