Similar to previous deals.
Targeted and will likely be based on your usual spend. Mines normally $160.
Similar to previous deals.
Targeted and will likely be based on your usual spend. Mines normally $160.
I got 8400 for $140…. Not enough :)
Nothing in the e-mails or app so far. My constant spend $70 for 2000 points twice weekly stopped in the beginning of August …
Got 10000 for 4 weeks of $100 shops.
I got that earlier but my spend was $180/week over four weeks; pass
I've got 14200 points at Woolies for $155/week over 4 weeks also.
Spending $255 on groceries per week is not easy 😂😂
At least with Coles you can top up your Opal card and get the points but I'm trying to get rid of all my Opal cards so I can use my registered one which I haven't touched since March, thanks to the constant flybuys points offers up until August … But I'm not doing $180 of top ups every week!
I've got 14200 points at Woolies for $155/week over 4 weeks also.
At least the Woolies ones are spend per week, the coles ones are spend per shopping trip
the coles ones are spend per shopping trip
In my case, it said I could do the qualifying spends in multiple transactions for a change but still a nope from me
it said I could do the qualifying spends in multiple transactions
I've never received that in a Coles offer.
Wow big spender there. Someone must be on CEO wage.
Got 3000 points for $50 spend between Wed 29 Aug and Fri 31 Aug 2018
Got 12000 for $200 spend. Offer ends Friday though so slim chance I can do my shopping by then :(
Got spend $50 for 4 weeks get 10k. I’ll pass.
I'll swap with you; just top up $50 on my Opal card every week haha
Just make another card. You’ll definitely get the lowest spend possible.
Yeah I could, but I give all my flybuys points to my dad so he can get free toilet paper or laundry detergent haha
Well with my suggestion you could get him more toilet paper and detergent with less spend. Surely he’ll be happy with that.
nightelves I got this too. I think its good. I get and complete this offer every few weeks. Its 25% off.
I also received, on another card, collect 3,000 points when you spend $50 once, that's 30% off.
I think I will do both and purchase the Coles Mastercard Gift card special offer first which will give me another 5% off.
5,400 @$90
11,400 @$190
6600 @ $110 here. But won't use going o/s
4200 for $70 here
7200 for $120 for me
Are these for a one off spend or the 4 weekly shops that u get the points after 4 weeks. I just checked my email and I've been left out of the party :(
3 deals over the last week 2000 for $70 1-trip , 10000 with $70 each over 4 weeks, but today's email in particular is probably valuable at 6000 for $100 spend in one shopping trip by 29-31 Aug.
They're all basically 30% off your shop so pretty significant.
oh I didn't know as I activated them rarely do I meet the criteria as mostly shop at Woolies with the 5% giftcards.
I should clarify that in your case, only the last offer is 30%.
3600 for $60 for me.
I also received this one.
10,800 for $180 spend.
same for me :)
Got another one of these today, but conversion is 40 points per dollar not 60 points like previous times
Do you guys ever get the same spend requirement in the next offer?
Mine increases by $10 every offer.