i want to buy a backpack that is very unique, it is difference from normal.
the whole profile is just like a animal with clothes, the ainimal is Yoda or sth else
and the sleeve is the belt of the backpack
could someone give me the suggestions
thank you very much
help, i want a backpack

fhoiwe on 22/02/2011 - 22:06
Ralph: "Miss Hoover…I bent my wookiee…"
I found this on eBay:
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Star-Wars-Backpack-Buddy-Yoda-Back-Pa…Is that the sort of style?
I have to have one.
lol those yoda backpacks look scary
go for the complete pack
Yoda: http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Yoda-Buddy-Plush/dp/B000XTJG…
Chewbacca: http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Chewbacca-Buddy-Plush/dp/B00…
Darth Vader: http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Darth-Vader-Bubby/dp/B002GPD…No luke ?
sonic, harry potter and OBAMANo there's a polictical party that appeals to everyone
Is your name Sheldon by any chance?