• expired

WD Elements SE 750GB Portable Hard Drive $88 @ DickSmith


750GB Portable 2.5" HDD
$10 cheaper than the previous deal

Deal start 23rd Feb - 14th Mar

Hope this helps

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closed Comments

  • Hooray, a bargain on the SmartWare-free model. My vote is for the freedom to cleanly partition a hard disk.

    • do they even come in the 2.5"

      thought smartware are for my book only, or i may be wrong

      • The SmartWare comes with My Passport models too (2.5"), I bought mine about a year ago and I had to remove it.

        • Hi andolee90, How did you remove it?
          Simply just format it?

        • +1

          just format it :)

        • Unfortunately formatting won't remove it, because it is mounted via a Virtual CD in a separate partition (as far as I know). And you don't actually "remove" it, you just disable the auto booting of the VCD.

          Have a look at this link:

        • You can easily remove the partition in Windows or Mac, join it back to the main partition, and get that extra space back.

  • not bad actually….. my sis paid $150 for a 1TB Elements last month at jb hifi

    • +1

      Jb hi fi have shocking prices for 1TB drives.. u can get them from most stores for $115-120

    • No offense, but they ripped her off pretty well. I bought one of these last year June from Officeworks for $95!

      • That'd be the 3.5" model.
        Those are like $65 these days.

    • +1

      yea gotta agree
      you could get 1TB for less than $100(ie. Harvey Norman)

  • +1

    the only problem i have with WD is if it breaks, you have to send it to singapore for a warranty replacement since they dont have an australian office.

    Quite annoying I found when I had to go through this process for my WD hd that broke down

      • Mine was replaced by Officework when it broke down. No send to Spore for replacement etc.

      • for 12 months

      • +1

        i bought it online from COTD and they didnt do sht for me - they told me to contact WD for warranty replacements when i contacted them for a warranty claim

  • Does anyone know which drive is inside this? Is it 9.5mm or 12.5mm?

    • +1

      I'm guessing you're asking that because you want to put it into a laptop/ps3?

      For a Western Digital WD7500BPVT:
      Height 9.5 mm
      Length 100.2 mm
      Width 69.85 mm
      Weight 0.15 kg

      1TB drives are usually 12.5mm, 750 or smaller are all 9.5mm from the 4 or so i have experience with across WD, seagate, samsung

      • yeah 1TB are rarely 9.5mm(hard to find anywhere), which is suited for some laptops and consoles

    • It's a SE model drive, so there is no SATA interface on the HDD, rather the USB controller is built into the HDD itself.

      • THANKS, I was tempted.
        But since I can't use it for update my laptop, I'll pass.
        Checking other sites, it says the same thing.
        Someone uploaded a picture of the PCB here.
        It is using a Micro-USB , not Mini-USB.
        USB 2 only

  • Is it free postage?

    • nope
      it's $5.95 delivery
      but try your local DSE

  • damn, just picked up a 320 for $45 a few weeks back, now this comes down in price. :(

    • +2

      If you wait another few weeks, the 1Tb will hit these prices. Its the state of our industry, we're moving so fast that what you buy today, is already out of date by the time you hand over the cash!

      Look on the bright-side, you got to store all that porn on that 320Gb a few weeks ago so that annoying cousin who visits doesn't find it!

  • Are the $97 logitech Z506 speakers any good? worth that much?

  • Are these compatible with a Beyonwiz? ie do they suck more power via USB than what the Beyonwiz can deliver?

  • Just picked up one from DSE Liverpool Westfield. There's heaps remaining.

    Copying some junk from my work PC onto it at the moment. I'm very surprised at how small the unit itself is.

  • The dick smith site has it ending today.

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