$300 Fee for "Free" Property Advisor Event, Misleading?

Hi there,

A family member decided to attend a property seminar by a relatively well known property advisor. It was advertised as a free event. I asked my family member, how much the event cost, they said $27. I later found out it was $300. I remember her saying that she had went previously with another family member and it was $300 per person as well. So, the family member knew what it cost before attending.

I think the way the advisor operates is to rent an expensive conference space, then get the free people to line up for a "registration". They are then told on the spot that it will be $300. I am not sure if everyone gets charged $300 or just people that the organizers think will be able to pay the money. Is this misleading/deceptive conduct? Think it's legal, but not ethical behavior but thought to get opinions here.


  • +4

    It was advertised as a free event

    Please provide a link or it didn’t happen.

  • I must use this method in the future for big purchases. "How much did it cost?" Quickly calculate the GST component on $300 purchase and round it to the nearest dollar. "$27 my dear."

  • There was a long Whirlpool thread about free property events:


    The reviews start about a quarter of the way through.

    • I can't seem to find anything backing up OP's contention that people have to pay to attend though. Actually all the comments, even the ones bashing the event (which I'd probably be part of, since you couldn't pay me enough to attend) - don't contest the fact that the seminars themselves are free.

  • Stupid is as stupid does

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