No Amazon Lightning deals this weekend?

I've noticed there's been no AmazonAU lightning deals or daily deals this weekend, Is that usual?

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  • There were deals up in the upcoming like Friday night that never showed up and disappeared as well (stand out was the Ray Ban Aviators). There was then a heap upcoming at some stage yesterday all just got cleared out.

    Man what I would give to be a fly on the wall at Amazon AU I just want to get any level of understanding of the thought processes here.

    Also am I the only one who noticed that Benq monitor deal been broken half a week? I mentioned to their support again just offhand when checking on an order “oh well let them know”… load of BS.

  • nothing again today either.

  • I'm so confused this hasn't happened before right?

  • Well my theory is they finally realised running the same Aliexpress junk day after day was just hurting them and instead as have seen there's been a couple of deals of actually decent products. It's still a kick going to the Amazon US site and seeing the pages of actual deals there on actual products compared to the 3 pages of razors here.

  • I assume it's up to the suppliers, to come through with the 20+% off deals.
    If you goto
    on the LHS, under deal type and select lightning deals today is the first day since last Friday that anything shows up. (there's now 2)

    I was looking at the UK site, the other day when you select Lightning Deals, there was 2000+ US had 1000+, France has 1400+, Germany had 2000+, Australia had 0

    I'm wondering if there's a dummy spit by suppliers

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