My car got rear ended today and the other driver didn't have insurance. The rear bumper is badly damaged.
I have lodged claim with my insurer (Woolworths) but would I pay any excess if other party don't have insurance? Also will my premium go up next year though I wasn't at fault?
Here is MS paint drawing which I hope will give some idea.…
Here is a brief summary of series of events:
1) I turned right from Great Western Highway into Pages Road.
2)There was a queue to cross roundabout at intersection of Pages Road and Putland Street.
3) The car in front of me braked abruptly. I was maintaining safe distance so I was able to stop without hitting it.
4) The car behind me was probably not maintaining safe distance and hit me. Luckily this impact didn't push my car into front of me.
5) We immediately stopped cars on side of the road and exchanged details where the other driver also mentioned that he doesn't have any insurance.
6) His visual car damage appears to be more than me however in addition to rear bumper damage on my car, it has started behaving funny for e.g. it is slightly shaking on and off and I could rattling noise from rear wheels.
Damage on my car
Damage on other car…
what one needs to know may be found in these links.………