error when purschase COTD netbook

Error An error occured when we tried to process your payment.

Transaction cannot complete. (10417)
The transaction cannot complete successfully. Instruct the customer to use an alternative payment method.

What up?>


  • +1

    thats unfortunate, but you are going to have to tell us atleast how you tried to pay…

  • via paypal.

  • and it said in red I need to enter a physical address and number. which I did.

    • does your paypal address match your mailing address?

  • sometimes

    I changed it til it match

    cept it was some capitals.

    but it was pretty much the same.

    • sometimes
      I changed it til it match


  • is it next g 3g?

  • I got the address to be the same.

    and still error 10417.

  • +1

    some sort of gypsy curse?

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