Microscope USB for Windows 10

hi. I'm trying to find a USB connected Microsoft (cheap-ish - eg $50-$100) that works on Windows 10. Can anyone suggest some reliable working models with URLs to buy?

I've ordered a couple now - eBay and GearBest and while they say they will work with Win10 on arrival the instructions are fairly brutal and focused on Windows XP or Win 7. They don't end up working on Windows 10.


  • Compatibility mode?

    Dual boot to Windows 7?

  • The ALDI usb microscope from a few years ago works just fine with windows 10…

    I just used it in the last 12 months. In fact, I didn't even need to install software. The last PC I plugged it into just installed it as a generic web cam.

  • A similar problem I had turned out to not be driver incompatability but was solved by changing the security settings within Win10 under cameras and microphones.

  • For cheap chinese electronics I like to use aliexpress these days. Ordering search results by number of orders is a godsend, ebay lost this feature years ago and has been useless ever since.


  • I bought one for like $20 off eBay.
    Found software online that got it up and running on W10
    The thing was OK but junk.

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