Okami HD Switch Physical Copy

I was looking into a physical copy of Okami HD for the Switch, since its 30 AUD on the eshop, but Amazon JP has it for only 3400 yen, which works out to about 42 AUD. Obviously, with the Amazon AU region lock, that's not an option anymore. Amazon AU has it priced at 74 AUD.

Does anyone know where to get the best price on a copy? I've looked at Ozgameshop and they had it out of stock for the mid 50's. Although it since vanished form their site.


  • -5

    Another victim of Turnbull's tax crackdown.

    The turd tried to lower taxes on business again a few days ago.

    How did Australians vote this neo-liberal corporate shill into office? Because they've lost a lot of money because of their stupidity.

    • +3

      I don't disagree with your general disdain for politicians - and you seem pretty even-handed with said disdain - but I can't agree with the empty vehemence you display. Put that energy into something productive (i.e. go campaign for one of the smaller parties you always refer to), or stop being such an armchair warrior.

  • Ouch, have you looked at PlayAsia?

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