Would appreciate if someone can guide me where to get the solar panels installed at my home. Also what type would be the cost effective and things to look for while selecting a product/installation company.
I am in Cranbourne/VIC.
Thank you.
Would appreciate if someone can guide me where to get the solar panels installed at my home. Also what type would be the cost effective and things to look for while selecting a product/installation company.
I am in Cranbourne/VIC.
Thank you.
Any example companies?
Yes please, any example?
I would also recommend getting the extra and going 5.5-6.5 kw system
for information on solar https://www.solarquotes.com.au/solar101.html
I’d get the panels installed on the roof. That’s where most of the sunshine is.
Consider getting some of the panels put on t he western roof, it enables you to get free energy later in the day when you are more likely to use it.
Got nothing helpful to say? Don’t say it.
I can't comment on what suits a victorian house, I'm in NSW where the sun angle is different and the amount of panels might be different. I can't comment on installers except to say that a decent local company is probably better than one of the big advertised companies that use the cheapest contractors they can find.
I can mention that it is prudent to consider the location of the panels on the roof, depending on your usage patterns and feed in tariff. There isn't much point installing all the panels on the north roof and exporting most of what is generated at 6c/kWh because you aren't home when you could place some of them on the western roof and generate power later into the day when you are more likely to be home and use it.
look at your roof at different times of the day especially at this time of the year to see if you have any shadows from trees.You may not think a tree will be a problem but i saw a house the other day and the roof was quite shaded by a large tree 2-3 houses down the road probably won't be a problem later in the year when the sun is higher in the sky but over winter it could make a big difference, as Euphemistic said a split North & West is probably a good option.North generally generates more Kw per panel but West will generate longer into the afternoon when peak power prices are charged especially in summer when the sun in Melbourne sets at more the sth west angle
Don't go 4kw, Although the government said thats what the typical rebate will cover the cost of theres plenty of companies offering a 5.5kw system for around $4000 ($2000 after the rebate).