I made an Osko payment on Sunday from my Commbank account which was supposed to be real-time but instead has gone in to a giant Commbank blackhole. Come Wednesday and still no resolution in sight. Who else was affected?
Who was Affected by the Commbank Outage on Sunday?
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I couldn't schedule a BPAY payment and I'm hopping mad about it.
Well mad.
Well not even mad really.
I just scheduled the payment later.
Whilst there may have been a delay, at least you will know that the money will come out clean from the CBA.
I was affected on Monday, I couldn't check my balance with the Commbank App. I was going to make a transaction, but I figured if the banks services were down, it was a reaaalllly bad time to do so, looks like I dodged a bullet.
I was affected Monday. I left my card at my parents by accident and they had gone to work, and I needed petrol. Couldn't do cardless cash which meant I stayed at home all day. I do have another card which hadn't been activated yet so I couldn't activate that to transfer money either.
Oh well. I got out of doing things I didnt particularly want to do anyway!
Point of this thread is? Class Action lawsuit?