Never seen mr men and little miss complete library this cheap before. Marked down from $49 which is also a low price in it's own right. Makes a great gift for children aged between 2 and 6. Mr mean would even buy at this price!!!!
My mr men and little miss complete library for $39.88 at target Charlestown

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Sorry I cannot find it. Looked everywhere. Hopefully someone else has grabbed this deal?
Much appreciated. Hopefully my local store has it at the sale price too.
I just picked up each box at Target Erina Fair.
Thanks heaps for sharing, I have been tempted to buy them when I saw them elsewhere on special for $79 each.
I can post receipt tonight when I get home from work.
Cool, I am glad someone else could take advantage of this deal. I bought 4 complete library's at $50 each in Target's July 2010 toy sales so this is easily the cheapest I have ever seen. I bought another 2 boxes yesterday to store away as I love giving them as birthday presents to my friend's children. Much better present than most of the land-fill stuff you find in toy shops.
Thankyou Bleachy Dude :)
Here is a scan of my receipt.
the second "book" is the Little Miss set.
Erina had HEAPS of Little Miss, only a few Mr Men.
Thank-you for that. It's tremendous ! I'll be getting it tomorrow :)
just picked this up for $22.48 at Target North Lakes (QLD) plenty of stock left
Great find Steve. Could you please upload the receipt ? My 2 daughters will absolutely loves this collection.