This was posted 6 years 6 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] $0 For Honor "Starter Edition" Free between August 22nd - August 27th (Was US $16.95) @ Steam


Edit 23/8/2018
Just saw that this is now free to download on Sharewareforsale.

From the VG247 page -

Ubisoft also announced today that the For Honor Starter Edition will be available for free on Steam August 22-27. The Starter Edition includes access to the same single-player and multiplayer content, but you’re starting roster of heroes will be smaller; six compared to 12.

Get the Starter Edition to join the battlegrounds of For Honor with instant access to all multiplayer and story modes, as well as all maps.

Starter Edition includes 6 playable heroes (instead of 12) with 3 fully unlocked. Other heroes can be unlocked for 8000 Steel each (8 to 15 hours of gameplay depending on how you play).

The Starter Edition is full compatible with the Season Pass, existing DLCs and all additional content.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I believe it starts at 7:00PM GMT+2, ~3AM on the 23rd.

    • +1

      Updated, thank you.

      • +1

        Not 100% sure, but it's what I can tell from here.

        • +1

          Your French is better than mine.

    • Can confirm, its 1AM and the deal isn't up yet : )

      Ugh ahahaha legit one mistake in my 8000 cell excel document kept me up 2 hours later than was planned. Now I'm on ozbargain of course.

  • +2

    I already got this on uPlay but (profanity) uplay so thanks. Can't wait to get it on steam. I kind of don't like the targeting (or whatever you call it) system in this game but at the same time it make it more interesting than just hold mouse 1 hack and slash.

    • +13

      you do realize even if you get it on steam it still goes through Uplay right?

      • +21

        f u c k

      • +1

        Still more convenient to launch through Steam. uPlay opens automatically.

  • so we can play it only between specified dates even if it is the single game mode?

    • I think it means it's yours to keep if you download the game between those dates.

      • thanks thats what i thought too.

    • +1

      The promotional video for the new Arcade Mode says you get to keep it forever.

  • so other than that period of time, i cant not play it?

    • +3

      Nah. You can play it whenever you like.

      At the moment is its ~USD$16.95 to purchase the starter edition (ie yours to keep) via steam.
      Between 22-27 it will be $0.00 to purchase the starter edition (ie yours to keep) via steam.

      Once you have purchased it (16.95 now, $0 between the dates in the post) you can play whenever you want.

  • it’s a freebie on xbox gold this month , so not surprised that they are also doing a freebie on steam to keep the franchise alive.

  • Wow. So I now have this on Uplay, Xbox and steam

  • Been free a few times now. This is a great game, which focuses on melee combat.

    • yeah, reviewer complaints seems to focus on bad match ups ….if you are a beginner you get get attached by people who are too experienced ….or maybe people are just bad players and we’re attacked by beginners.

      for a freebie though you can always do the campaigns i guess.

  • So if I add this to my steam account I will have it in my library forever? Or is it free for that amount of time?

    • +1

      Asked and answered above. Yes you can have it and play whenever you want.

    • Should be free forever.

  • $46.65 USD for a Season Pass DLC

    • +1

      Steam is expensive. Season pass is currently A$29.97 for those like me who got this free last time from UBI.

  • +1

    If it's anything like the Siege starter edition, you are punished for cheaping out and not getting the standard edition because of how long it takes to unlock different classes. Keep that in mind!

  • Free on xbox live too

    • Yes. So long as you keep an active Xbox Live Gold subscription going but if not then no more able to play the game. At least on this the PC version you don't need an activate paid membership subscription going in order to keep playing it.

  • I just realised that i already got this for free through Uplay. So there's no point in getting it also on Steam since it would only go through uPlay to begin with.

    So peoples check that you don't already have this game on Uplay because there's a chance you might have previously got it for free through that before getting this through Steam. It was going for free on Uplay a few months ago. You might have forgot about having got it like i did. I just redeemed it and let it go because there's other games to play first.

    • On steam you get trading cards + overlay + easy access to friends etc. I think I might actually play it if it's on steam but apparently it still launches through uplay which is gay.

      • Yes it still registers on in the Uplay game library and launches through Uplay so if you get this but already got it on Uplay you're only playing a game which you've already got. Kind of doubling up. You might as well fire up the Uplay game client and play it if it's already there. Trading cards aren't totally necessary.

    • Yeah, seems I also have it on Uplay for free (plus a punch of other decent games I had forgotten about, will still grab it on steam though.

      I think the freebie on Uplay was not the starter edition, so it perhaps trumps the steam version?

      • No i'm quite sure that the freebie was also the starter edition on Uplay.

  • +1

    No players on PC in Australia when I tried it about a month ago. Perhaps it will improve with this offer…

    • +1

      I've been playing consistently since it went free a while back with great connection. Matches can take a few minutes but I've always been able to find one, only tried at night though.

  • Ok guys what I did to kind of transfer my game over from uPlay was just simply drag the ForHonor folder into your SteamApps>Common folder. Put a space between For and Honor because on steam it has one while on uPlay it doesn't and it should recognize the files when you try to install.
    You still have to download 2.3GB but that's better than 50.1GB…

    • is it the starter edition on Uplay?? No mention of that on my uplay account.

      • Yes. Grabbed the starter edition last time it was free and as you said only show in my UBI Uplay as For Honor. No mention what edition it is. Starter, Standard or Gold.

        At least the Steam edition shows that I have "For Honor - Starter WW Giveaway Uplay Activation" in my library.

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