This was posted 6 years 7 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, XB1, PS4] Battlefield V Open Beta Available Sep 4 if Pre-Order or Available Freely to Public on Sep 6 2018


Just read on the Battlefield website that anyone that pre-orders the game for any platform or subscribes to either EA Access, Origin Access, Origin Access Premier will have two extra days to the open beta starting September 4 2018. Pre-load starts September 3/9 6pm (QLD time).

Those that don't pre-order or subscribe can start from September 6 2018.

Open beta will end on September 11 1500 BST (AEST 12 midnight).

What Multiplayer Maps and Modes Can I Play?
Players can jump into the up 64-player Conquest mode on the Rotterdam map, set in the embattled Holland city, or the Arctic Fjord map, set in icy Narvik, Norway. In Conquest, you must battle for control of key locations on a massive multiplayer map, using the new Fortifications, towable weaponry, and Squad Reinforcements system.

Two “days” of Grand Operations are also available to players in the Open Beta. In this modular narrative experience inspired by historical events, each day is represented by a round of play, and player actions have a direct impact on the next round. Up to 64 players can deploy in the Airborne and Breakthrough modes on the Arctic Fjord map.

A Quick Ride on the Tides of War
A preview of the Tides of War — the ever-evolving journey through WW2 featuring a new narrative every few months — also awaits players in September. Each chapter of Tides of War is designed to focus on an aspect of the era, with unique gameplay experiences to drive players forward.

A five-part Tides of War chapter will be part of the Open Beta. Players who complete the chapter will earn an exclusive in-game Dog Tag in Battlefield V at launch.

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closed Comments

  • +32
    • -1

      should have posted a pic of no man's sky
      it took the game two years to become what people expected

    • -1

      This is a little different to an early access pre order. At least we know they will release a full game.

      • +2

        No, it's not. A preorder is a preorder is a preorder. You're paying for what is, at that moment, an unfinished and unreleased product. There's no guarantee the game will be complete upon launch or at all nor even be working (bugs anyone?). Half the content could be locked behind pay walls. Half the game could be buggy and unplayable. If you pay money for something you've never touched (or seen others touch) and never seen the finished product once (hello theatrical trailers) then you're telling the companies you're willing to be duped.

        • I was just going by the general Battlefield track record. They tend not to release buggy as crap games and make empty promises like what seems to be the majority of early access games.
          Eg: DayZ, no man's sky
          And just for the record, I don't pre order ever.

  • +2

    They've learnt from how big the BF1 beta was

  • +1

    Pre-load load starts on September 3, at 8:00 UTC. Note that this is US time.

  • +12

    Yeah, I can't wait to play as a disabled lesbian of colour on the frontlines of WWII.

    • +21

      I know, it will totally screw up the historical accuracy. What is the point of putting historically accurate respawning into it if your going to have disabled lesbians of colour as well?

      • So then why not adjust the history of movies?

        A singleplayer campaign and a movie has very little difference, both can be historically accurate and a good story if you want it to be…

        • The single-player could be historically accurate. Multiplayer won't be nor has it ever been for Battlefield or COD games in the past. Don't understand why people are trying to reignite the controversy after everyone has gotten over it already.

        • -1


          I thought the whole "historically accurate" thing was to do with the campaign?

          I don't think anyone is complaining about being able to play a female in multiplayer, there is no story for it to be inaccurate.

        • +3

          No. People were bitching about women when the multiplayer trailer was released. And apparently they still are, because riling people up and shitting on minority groups makes them feel better. Instead of focusing on the new gameplay mechanics they're adding to the game and the actual innovation they're implementing, they're acting like they all of a sudden give a shit about history and shit on the sacrifices of people whose contributions to the war effort have been largely ignored in mainstream art forms

        • @WinstonWithAY:

          Yeah I got no love for extreme SJWs but I also really don't get the bitching about females in video games.

          Do they really think it's disrespectful to the people who served in WW2? Or is it a backlash against the trend of replacing men with women in movies and games and pretending that's progressive (Ghost busters, new oceans movie).

          To anyone who asks me how I'd feel having to play females in videogames, besides the obvious tomb raider… I choose female characters in rpgs all the time.

          Females in siege, overwatch, mortal Kombat… I don't get it. Who cares what colour or gender the characters are?

    • -7

      Video Game not historically accurate. Man-babies outraged. Recommend we provide them with blankets and warm milk until their diversity PTSD clears up.

    • What people choose to play as online should be up to them.

    • +5

      I think it's prejudice because she's only physically disabled. I demand her to have severe ADHD too!

      • Does shitting on people with mental illnesses make you feel better about yourself?

        • +1
          1. I shit in the toilet
          2. She's not a real person, it's called a video game
          3. You'll learn about sarcasm when you're a bit older
        • @Oz8argain: I don't think you know the definition of sarcasm

    • Least we get to stare at female ass ?

      • +2

        They identify as Xe. You sexist pig. /s

    • -1

      Still having a whinge about this. Its old news. Quit being a snowflake

  • +7

    Overclocked my RGB mousepad to run the raytracing for the beta

    • +1

      You need to overclock the RGB on your RAM.

      • +2

        Pfft, Just download some more

        • Lol, I even got rickrolled…

    • +7

      Overclocked my LGBT mousepad to run the beta.

      • +2

        All the colours of the spectrum… except white. No white for you.

        • -3

          What's with the victim carding and race baiting? Don't you have better things to do with your time than whine about a several-month-old controversy or is your life that mundane that you have to regurgitate alt-right talking points to piss people off, making you feel better about yourself?

  • +2

    I'm probably going to play the open beta only on the 6th, and spend the rest of month on spiderman.

    • potential spoiler removed

    • Have you seen the new PS4 Spider-Man console? Looks sweet. But then I love red.

  • +1


    • +1

      raytracing on a 2080ti at 1080p on tomb raider is 30-40fps

    • Raytracing may be good in a few years when games are actually designed with it in mind but until then any game with rasterisation will run 10x better because cards are built for that.

  • +5

    Need to load up on soy products before I play the game…heard it gives you extra powers to defeat your oppressors.

    • +4

      Finally a game that accurately portrays, and pays tribute to, the strong women like my great grandmother that stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight Hitlers oppression of disabled women.

    • -2

      How original

  • +2

    ITT: Triggered incels

    • -6

      Lol the downvotes confirmed my suspicions

      • thank-you le boomer maymay man

    • True but they would have found something else to complain about anyway, it's EA.

  • +2

    hopefully it won't be as bad as battlefield 1

  • +2

    How is an open beta a bargain?

    • I did have a note for the mods to remove if not suitable. The message has since been removed.

    • Community decides - see KFC post recently.

  • +2

    Nice try, EA.

  • +1

    i hope they get it right this time. the game looks amazing.

  • Is there a way to pre-load/install this via the Sony Web Store? Or do I have to wait and do it manually later?

  • Beta end date has been announced - September 11/9 12 midnight AEST.

  • ugh. ofcourse its 6th in america so probably tomorrow/ late tonight in aus.

  • +1

    Instructions to get early beta access without preorder

    • cool thanks

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