Best Budget Laptop Cooling Pad?

I'd like a cooling pad for my new laptop (I don't want it to overheat while I'm playing games). …But I've never owned a cooling pad before. I don't know which brands are good and which ones I should stay away from. Hoping to get some good recommendations.

- Under $40
- Big enough for a 15" laptop
- 2 fans or more

Not so fussed about:
- Portability
- Lights


  • -1

    air cond

  • This one rates very highly on Amazon and is available for shipping to Australia for circa USD$34.

  • You can also try replacing the thermal compound on the CPU with something like Arctic Silver 5 or IC Diamond. It helps to lower the temperature of the CPU by a few degrees at peak loads. Though you might not see a diffence particularly if the laptop is still new and the existing paste is fresh.

    Although… it does require you to disassemble your laptop partway, so compared to just throwing your laptop on a cooling pad and calling it a day, it's comparatively more work and difficult to perform.

    • Not sure why they negged you for this.
      Improving the heat from the Laptop side generally has other benefits too.

      • I didn't neg - but I'm going to guess it was because recommending someone whose IT hardware/DIY skills we have no idea of to open up and mess around with the insides of their laptop, and the CPU at that (not just adding/replacing storage) - seems a little irresponsible. Especially to someone who's asking online for laptop cooling pad recommendations.

        OP wants a little cooling - risking bricking their laptop completely seems disproportionate.

        • Maybe, but knowledge is knowledge.
          It's irritating others disregarding it so irresponsibly, and punishing those who share. I mean, if this information is of no use to you… move on. I'd think something that deserves a neg would be mis-information; ie/ a Lie.

          Oh well, I guess I'm showing my age. Man the internet has changed.

        • @Kangal:

          It's a bit sad that scrimshaw got negged but the guy who was actually trolling ("air cond") didn't. Huh, maybe he's the negger…

          Anyway, while the advice is enlightening, I simply don't have the skills or expertise to do something like that. If I did, I probably would've built my own PC instead of buying one.

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