So I built myself a new system about a month ago, and knowing that the RTX was around the corner I've held out on buying a GPU and have just got by with an old HD 7850 2GB OC GPU I have from a 2013 build. I want this GPU to last me the next 6 years, so I'm not going for a budget GPU. I'm pretty easily pleased (playing intense games like AC Origins with my old GPU has been a little laggy, but other than that it's been fine), so I don't expect to have Ultra settings on with this GPU in 2025 or anything, but I want to be able to still enjoy new games (even on lowish settings which, to be honest, will probably be incredible by that point).
What I'm not sure of is whether going for the RTX line is a smarter long term decision (given the long-term potential for expansion in ray-tracing in games?). Should I just get a 1080 when they get cheaper (I'd be happy with $500), or get an RTX and hope that the ray tracing technology takes off in the gaming world? I just don't know how much stuff like this will actually have an impact on developers down the line or if it will hold relevance beyond a few years?
What are your thoughts on my best course of action? I realise my CPU will probably bottleneck slightly on whatever GPU I get, but fingers crossed multi-core becomes a bigger focus for game developers aha. Specs below:
Ryzen 5 2600
16gb DDR4 3000MHz Corsair Vengeance Pro
MSI Mortar Arctic B350m
700W EVGA Supernova G2
What monitor resolution / Hz are you running at the moment?