This was posted 6 years 6 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1, PC, Nintendo Switch] 50% Extra Trade Credits When You Trade Towards Pre-Orders @ EB Games


All the Pre-order content

PS4 only content

XB1 only content

PC only content

Switch only content


Other console/handheld device are included in the pre-order besides the mentioned.

Least expensive thing to pre-order begins from $50 as the above links suggest. They are "Loot" items

Most Standard edition Games are $99.95. This offer is best for those with lots of unused games, accessories and those who shop at EBGames regularly.

TRADE OFFER: EB Trade policy applies. Bonus trade offer excludes hardware and devices. Not to be combined with any other offer except EB World. Limited time only. See staff for details. Offer ends 02/09/18

Amazon AU, JB Hi-Fi offer upcoming games for $69.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +16
    • Pre-orders are expensive
    • trade-in credit is low

    You're better off selling your games elsewhere and buying the new games elsewhere.

    • +4

      Pre-orders are expensive

      You can price match pre orders on pick up against whoever is cheapest so you don't pay full RRP prices. You may lose EB pre order exclusives if you do this though.

      • I had a store try to deny me the preorder bonus.

        I told the guy the only reason I ordered was the bonus, and if they wouldn't give me it, they could give me my money back and I'll go next door to K-Mart and buy it there instead.

        As you'd expect, the guy ran it through no problems.

        I'll be doing the same with Spider-Man. Is the preorder stuff entirely useless? Yeah, kinda, but like, if I'm gonna get it day one, I may as well get it day one and get some stupid PSN avatars thrown in too. Is preorder culture terrible, yes. Is it going to go away any time soon, not likely. My choices are miss out on stuff or slam down an order a day or two before release to get the stuff but also let them know they ain't getting my money any earlier than I am damn well willing to give it to them.

    • +5

      I got $64 for Mario Odyssey through this. That's pretty good I reckon.

      • Wow that's really good. I wonder what I could get for Donkey Kong, I'd like to get Diablo 3 when it comes out.

      • +1

        How long ago?

        • +1

          Was the 20th of May when they had this deal happening last, They had a poster on the wall showing a couple Switch games on it with their trade in values (Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, XenoBlades and I forget the 4th off the top of my head). Pretty sure those posters are still up at my local. I got more for Xenoblades and Odyssey than I could get on Gumtree/Ebay ($119 between the two, and my apologies, it was $63 for Xeno, and $56 for Odyssey now that I'm checking my eb world app.). Quite a good deal.

      • +1

        Considering I paid 62 for it day one, that's not half bad.

        People give EB a lot of shit for their trade in values, and yeah, a lot of it is a rip off (they're a business, not a charity) but there's also a lot of genuinely decent deals you can take advantage of like you did where you stand to get quite a good deal. I traded in Splatoon 2 and Breath of the Wild a couple months back for just over 120 total. I only paid 90 something for the pair anyway, and then I went on to buy them digitally on sale and overall actually made a small profit on the whole escapade while upgrading to a digital version of my games.

        • Oh absolutely. When my PS4(launch day console) was starting sound like the launching of a space shuttle and chug through games. I traded that in for a Pro, and got $270 value out of it, which is about $120 more than I would have received through ebay/gumtree. They definitely do some bad stuff, but the occasional deals like that, price matching plus the 7/10 day rentals is definitely something that keeps me going back.

    • exactly why I said

      This offer is best for those with lots of unused games, accessories and those who shop at EBGames regularly.

      and linked JB Hi-fi and Amazon AU pre-order offers

  • +2

    Eb member discount stacks with the 59% too

    It doesn’t exclude old platforms like x360 ps3 etc which happens on a lot of their promos.
    I have found though that they offer less base trade for their older games now.

    I am told that by the end of the year they will stop accepting x360 and ps3 games as trades get rid of em ASAP.

  • Anyone know how much BOTW or Mario & Rabbids will trade in for? [Switch] of course. May as well order Mario Party and price match if cheaper elsewhere.

    • M&R was $15 last month.

    • I was offered $21 for Mario Rabbids about a week and half ago

    • If you're in Vic or willing to post, I'll PayPal you whatever they'd give in store credit, but with actual dollarydoos.

  • Im happy to buy nintendo switch games.

  • Gah did a trade in on Sunday :(

  • Does this include trade ins for consoles? Purchased a PS4 Pro from that Amazon deal and I'm looking to get rid of my original PS4.

    • Ive sold my PS4 twice on eBay after picking up a PS4 pro in the Amazon deal and still have it with no payment. Ebay is starting to shit me of late.

      • Yeah you get fake bidding a lot on eBay. Chuck it on Gumtree. I sold mine for 170 with 3 games.

    • yeah, should be able to trade it in and use it towards pre-order content.

      • +1

        Nah, I just read the Ts&Cs "Bonus trade offer excludes hardware and devices."


        • +1

          So I cant trade in a console towards this deal?

        • -4

          @44: so you can't read and comprehend?

        • +1


          TRADE OFFER: EB Trade policy applies. Bonus trade offer excludes hardware and devices. Not to be combined with any other offer except EB World. Limited time only. See staff for details. Offer ends 02/09/18

  • +5

    Don't forget kiddies, you can trade toward a preorder, get the bonus value, and then shit can the preorder and get the extra value dosh on a gift card and buy whatever the hell you want.

    Any time they have any preorder deal, unless there's a game I want coming out in like a week, this is how I do it.

    • +1

      They don’t give out gift cards in WA on trades

      • What do they do then? Straight cash or? How do you get your moneys?

      • The point above is they don’t give u a gift card initially on the trade.
        U put it on a preorder, let it sit a few days, then go back and u. An use the credit as u want

    • Have you done this? kinda hesitant to try this.

      • +1

        just go to two different stores.

  • So eb would price match Amazon? Who have fifa 19 champions edition for $88???

    I have 6 games to trade in.

    • None of the EBs I've tried will match Amazon.

    • The don't price match Amazon on the grounds of it having no physical store.

  • +3

    Got just under 300 for a stack of around 20 old, mostly last gen games.

    From scratch, paid off red dead 2, spider-man, spyro, and doom eternal, with another 30 or so slapped onto dying light 2 because why not.

    Would have been happy with spider-man and nothing more, did alright for myself

    • nice.. might be time to round up all my unloved PS3 and XBOX 360 games for trade

  • Your email address is visible if you click "unsubscribe" from within the email you linked, in case you care.

    • Cheers mate, removed the email link now.

  • +1

    This is a pretty good deal. I took in a stack of games (some PS4, mostly 360) and came within $15 of paying off pre-orders of Spider Man, Red Dead 2 and Tomb Raider 3 for the PS4.

  • +2

    Just traded in 38 old ps3/xbox 360/ wii u games and got $204. I was very happy, considering I was never going to play those games again and they were just taking up room.

  • I have about 40 games, mostly 360 but some Xb1 and 3DS.
    I’ll put them towards games I want and if there’s leftovers what do I do with the credit? More preorders? Can I cancel them later?

    • +1

      Update: got almost $400 for them all

      They let me put some preorders down and the rest on a gift card that doesnt expire.

      • how did you have so many physical games?

        • Buying them? Lol

        • @theguyrules: yeah i get that, how many years did you keep them for

        • +1

          @yummycoot: some as long as 11 years. Newest about 2.
          I’m pretty happy with a minimal physical collection with mostly digital now. Moving around so many games is frustrating

        • @theguyrules: damn that's a long time, that's amazing how you got $400 for 40 games considering their age.

        • +1

          @yummycoot: Not terrible yeah. Kinda sad seeing some of my favorite games going for $2 but I'll realistically never play them again, and don't see the point in keeping an old game I can't/won't play.

        • @theguyrules: can you answer this?

          Do they price match the pre-order prices for Red Dead elsewhere like at JB ($69) or is it their standard $99

        • +1

          @yummycoot: from experience yes.
          I put down $80 on each preorder and will price match the cheapest store when I pick it up, and get the rest moved to a gift card or another preorder.

        • @theguyrules:

          I hope they do was gonna trade 5 games in and hopefully they price match JBs $69 for spiderman

  • +1

    Checked my local EB games on 22/08…
    Switch games base trade in price for:
    Zelda BOTW: $27
    Mario Odyssey: $24
    Mario&Rabbids: $19
    Kirby StarAllies: $19

    then just multiply by 1.5 to get trade in price…

  • +1

    Can you trade in controllers? I have a hori controller pretty much brand new, was gonna trade that in with Crash, GTA5, PES16, FIFA17 & FIFA 18 all PS4 and get a pre order, what is a good game to pre order? Not fifa 19 I'm done with EA.

    • +1

      You can. It's hardware though, so excluded from the bonus.

    • TRADE OFFER: EB Trade policy applies. Bonus trade offer excludes hardware and devices. Not to be combined with any other offer except EB World. Limited time only. See staff for details. Offer ends 02/09/18

      No controllers. I was thinking of doing this then saw the condition.




  • +1

    Do they price match the pre-order prices for Red Dead elsewhere like at JB ($69) or is it their standard $99

    • +1

      They price match on the day of release, so you just got to hope JB don't increase their price by then

      • Pretty sure JB have said that it’ll be $69

      • They will price match in for Spiderman if I trade in 5 games on Sunday? Given Spiderman comes out I think Friday week.

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