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7 Day Free Trial Pass - Women's Gym @ Curves


Curves complimentary, no obligation consultation and 7 day FREE trial.

Simply complete this form and press the SUBMIT button. You'll receive an email straight away with your 7 Day FREE Guest Pass.

Take this pass into your local Curves Club to redeem your 7 day trial. Call ahead to book a time.

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  • +1


  • +5

    If it was men's only gym we would see petitions going on lol

  • +3

    Equality. Only when it suits women.

  • +1

    Every gym does a free trial. Doesn’t the same apply here? Not a bargain if it’s always been free.

    • -1

      It includes a free health and fitness consultation with a trainer

  • +1

    This is blatant advertising (sexist too). Not a deal.

  • +6

    Thanks OP. Signed up for my wife, she loves surprises.

    Perfect timing too as she is gaining a bit of weight lately.

  • +9

    There has always been a 7 day trial(web.archive.org) tracing all the way back to 2015, this is not a bargain, just blatant advertising.

    • Never knew there was such an awesome site like that. Does it work for instagram pages before they got privated?

      • If it gets sweeped then I reckon it would, just depends if the site sweeped it due to popularity.

        • sweeped?

        • @Homr:

          Like every so often they go and capture the site (sweep the site) and keep it on the archive server to search, it really depends if they capture that particular instagram account. Give it a try by putting different URL's in :) Google Cache Viewer(searchcommander.com) also works for some sites.

        • @doweyy: ohhh ok, I thought it achives the whole web everyday lol. Do they only archive certain websites.

        • @Homr:

          Not the whole web lol, I think their goal is to try and capture most of the web but they're a not-for-profit so takes heaps of resources to do it. I think you'll find a lot of the known sites get captured, I just tested a small instagram account and nothing came up, but the Justin Bieber account has a ton of captures, so would definitely come down to something such as Alexa rating to figure out how many captures are required.

  • +1

    What has this got to do with sexism? There are plenty of women only gyms out there - does this not prove there is a good reason they exist?

  • -1

    I don't know why the random 'sexist' comments. This gym franchise particularly focuses on health and fitness for women over 30, specialising in strength training and disease prevention which is quite essential for ageing women.

    • You don’t just “focus” on womens’ fitness, you flat out exclude those that aren’t women. This is the very definition of sexism no mater how you try to spin it (pun intended).

    • +2

      Sexist and age discriminatory! Do you focus on white woman only or can woman of colour visit?

  • Some of the comments here are disgraceful and have nothing to do with the deals. Some people prefer women's gyms because of the behaviour shown here.

    Thread closed.

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