Connoisseur Ice Cream Varieties 1L $5 @ Supa IGA/IGA Xpress (Starts 22/8)
(verified to be Available at all store formats, including the normal IGA)
Connoisseur Ice Cream Varieties 1L $5 @ Supa IGA/IGA Xpress (Starts 22/8)
(verified to be Available at all store formats, including the normal IGA)
What happened to $4.87 ones back in the days?
$4.20? Cafe Grande fo lyfe, FO LYFE!
I am officially addicted to this!!
"I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream"
murray river salted caramel & hazelnuts is by far the best flavour.
In before someone whinges about unhealthy eating.
absolute delicious ice-cream