App to check web page change for a specific word needed.

Hi guys,

Need your help as im looking for an app or even a desktop add-on to help me find a change in a web page but only to notify me when a specific word is added to the page.

I currently use web alert on Android but that does not so change of specific words but all changes on a page.

Thanks for your help


  • what's the specific word?

  • Web Alert does work for specific words? It is based on what you highlight. Could be one letter, could be a whole sentence…

    Edit: Oh, you want only if a specific word is added…so the above is not possible…gotcha.

  • +1

    There are many web services (e.g. Wachete) that do that but the free plans normally have a slow refresh interval (say 24 hrs).

    I can show you a script for Tampermonkey but if you don't know Tampermonkey (on Chrome) or how to read scripts then I can't explain how to set it up or use it since it will take forever :)

    You have to change @match to your website rather than Change YOUR UNIQUE KEYWORD to your keyword.

    setTimeout(function(){location.reload()}, 300000); - means the site will reload every 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes).

    timeout: 300000, - how long the Chrome notification will sit on your desktop in milliseconds (make it as long as you need).

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Find Your Keyword on OzBargain
    // @namespace
    // @version 0.1
    // @description Find that keyword
    // @author You
    // @match
    // @grant GM_getValue
    // @grant GM_setValue
    // @grant GM_notification
    // ==/UserScript==

    (function() {
    'use strict';

    window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    if (/YOUR UNIQUE KEYWORD/i.test(document.body.innerHTML)) {
    var notificationDetails = {
    text: 'FOUND IT!!!',
    timeout: 300000,
    onclick: function() { window.focus(); },
    alert ("Found YOUR KEYWORD!");
    } else {
    setTimeout(function(){location.reload()}, 300000);
    }, false);


  • You could use Google search alerts with the site: operator (usage: site: and the word you want.

    eg. search for:

    site: AND Bazza

    to be alerted when the word Bazza is added to this page.

  • Hi,

    I used to use but this has recently become

    I'd certainly try the Google solution (above) google likes you to use:
    "+" immediately before the search term.

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