Steam - A new deal, every day, all week long sale.
Supreme Commander 2 - 3.74 USD
Supreme Commander 2: Infinite War Battle Pack - 2.49 USD
Steam - A new deal, every day, all week long sale.
Supreme Commander 2 - 3.74 USD
Supreme Commander 2: Infinite War Battle Pack - 2.49 USD
after clocking over 600 hours on this game, i must say i really got my $45 worth out of it.
I still play it every night and its the best RTS if not game around… Multiplayer online rocks :)
wow, that's insane. I put maybe 50-60 hours into fallout 3 and thought I overplayed it.
600 hours is extreme. you must really be good online. this game has infinite re playability, being an RTS but I usually get bored of these games after 10 hours, lol.
good but pales in comparison with supcom1 which pales in comparison with TA
Man, my boyfriends birthday present is going to be filled with SO many digital gifts.
You probably won't see him for some time after his birthday :)
Hopefully he just takes some of his game time from CoD, Dead Space & FIFA and shares it around a bit :P
oh, i pity you.
SupCom2 is going to be the end of your relationship ;)
even better, get him a WOW subscription for his b'day.
all these digital distractions taking over our lives!
No way, we're both recovered WoW players (EDIT: addicts) and not going back :P
lol, good job freeing yourself from Blizzard's grasp ;)
Does anyone know if multi-player mode is decent from Australia? US only servers I assume?
Supcom2 multi is pear to pear, no servers :) i play with USA, AUS, Jap, Brit, Russian ext` player all the time.. so good.. mind you its the only game i play so ive got allot of free time to do normal humen things like eat, sleep, work and socialise lol
pear to pear?
what about apple to apple?
There's also quite a few other things on sale like Civ 4 Complete Edition for $7.50 (75% off) and the Square Enix pack for $74.99 (88% off) which includes a whole lot of games like Arkham Asylum, Just Cause 1+2, Deus Ex, Supcom 2 and a whole heap of others.
couldn't find a link. did a search, found it, but it was $14us?
same thing for me.
I think the sale is over :-(
Sale was only for 1 day, so yes it's over :(
The things listed in my post above me are still on sale from what I can see on steam and today's deal is for Hitman 2 I think.
Square-Enix pack is reeeediculous! Very good deal for $75 though you need to factor in the 400 billion GB worth of downloads haha
Played all of them. Really great game if you like rts and liked total annihilation.