So, the Retail Service Provider from Singapore (like MyNetFone, before them): MyRepublic continues to please and impress me.
OK, I no longer get Unlimited 100/40 for $60/month, but all NBN prices are rising. I’ll be dropping to NBN50: 50/20 nominal speeds. But I do get the option to hop up to 100/40 or, after doing that, to hop back to 50/20 (at $70/month) on a month-by-month basis, with No Extra fees for switching Up or Down in speed.
(Of course, one pays $15 more for each month I’m enjoying 100/40. And - in the back of my mind - I know that’s really $25/month more than I used to pay for 100/40, before the price-rise.) I didn’t ask if one can do that kind of thing with Static IP addr or not (I doubt they’d go that far).
As my modem’s warranty has expired, I ordered a premium modem (USB 3.0, Gigabit N/W ports, can support more WiFi devices at once, etc.) for $99. (All their modems are Dual-Band.)
I insisted on a 24 month contract, both to get the $99 price & to (hopefully) get a 24-month Warranty, as well as price stability over the same period.
Can anyone top that…? ;-)
Exetel if you want a modem