For this month on weekdays,save up to $20 from gate entrance fee and use it on their overpriced cafe or restaurant. Yay!
Edit: Need to show the website or the picture in the website at the entrance.
For this month on weekdays,save up to $20 from gate entrance fee and use it on their overpriced cafe or restaurant. Yay!
Edit: Need to show the website or the picture in the website at the entrance.
meet up paying overpriced food & drink? Hand in your OZB badge :-)
You've obviously never been there if you think the only thing to do there is go inside the dingy restaurant.
packed lunch and thermos :)
They have BBQ facility there, no?
Damn, misread Mile High Club.
Make sure you metion about free entry otherwise gate security charge you money and put it in his own pocket cheap people working there
Run him over.
Are you sure they were actually working there? It was probably an enterprising ozbargainer making a few extra $$.
Real OzBargainers go to Burke’s Lookout.
Thanks for the link (yes, I'm one of the lazy people), the photo is misleading as it shows skyhigh parking lot?
Some imbecile called Etchie Esmaquel has loaded 2 pictures of skyhigh as Burkes lookout.
Jumping on this - its the missus birthday on the weekend she has suggested a nice family walk up mt dandenong with a nice lunch somewhere. Last year we went to the piggery which was nice, with a bush walk near by. Any suggestions? Bear in mind we have 3 young kids (no pram though) so it cant be anything too strenuous, and the lunch spot cant be too stuffy. Cheers
Maybe try Sky High I hear it's good.
Free at the moment too.
Was planning on going on sunday - have been there a couple times before, but thanks
Make sure you bring your ski's as the BOM says there might be snow falling on Sunday morning
Williams Rickets Sanctuary or National Rhododendron Gardens (Dandenong Ranges Botanic Gardens)
"Williams Rickets Sanctuary" was where we went last year i believe….
Last time that I went there they had planted a whole lot of trees that blocked out half of the view.
I bet the view from the Restaurant was perfect though
Real OzBargainers Park outside and walk in… Any day of the week.
didnt know you could do this….so $20 is literally just for the parking….?
Upto 20$ for parking and free toilets (not so free if you are paying), yes. 20$ for minibus. $7 for car and $2 for motorbikes.
Park in the Arboretum car park opposite the Sky High exit on Ridge Road and then walk up the exit road.
Reads comments…opens link…WTF is that statue doing?!?!?
It's art…. :)
Wtf, entry fee just for accessing a restaurant?
I thought Mount Lofty at Adelaide was bad…
At mount lofty there is loads of parking, but it all costs money, unless you walk from outside the gate.
But It's literally a mountaintop that somebody is pocketing money from just for you to access. Yes there's a restaurant there too, but I aint paying money just to park there. It's not even in the city, so paid parking is ridiculous.
I think it'll help them maintaining the garden
If you're local you can get a free 'vip' pass - unlimited free entry for about 5 years.
Hm….business opportunity to open up mail forwarder in mt dandenong, similar to
In this windy and cold weather?? You have to be nuts.. Plus this place is overrated, but if you have never been to proper mountains overseas, it's OK
I went today, perfect weather. Showed the voucher on my phone at the gate.
Flew my DJI Air around a couple of times but there were signal issues, probably due to the towers!
Oh nice. Will definitely make use of this. OzBargain Sky High Club meet up?