1 Year Warranty in Australia (as per bay listing)
From the original deal PHASER (thanks to alz)
Product specs
Comprehensive Review
Comparative pricing
I can personally vouch that this camera is phenomenal.
Has an inbuilt wifi, making it easy to use your mobile as a remote.
The likely upgrade to this is going to be 2020 and beyond (would also be quite expensive). Given Canon's upgrade cycle.
About the seller
Shopping Square
2.3 star rating from 325 reviews
Notable Terms & Conditions from website
All sales shall be deemed made in the state of New South Wales of Australia regardless of the location of the Customer. Any dispute with Shopping Square Australia shall be brought by the Customer exclusively in the state or federal courts situated in the State of New South Wales.
All prices are in Australian dollars and are exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
This is a grey import unit and as such price is not comparable to Teds, CameraPro etc. Usual grey importers have this at a similar price if you really feel like gambling $3.5K.