This was posted 6 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Unlimited FLAC Album Downloads @ TIDAL Store


Seems to be a glitch with the tidal store. Use any email you want for unlimited free FLAC album downloads.

Add any album to the checkout and use the voucher code "QUEEN" and then checkout, it'll remove the cost.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Haha I just posted this in forums.

  • SUBTOTAL $11.99?
    Code then just redirects straight to DL ;)

    • It shows price but just go through filling form out and hit redeem and you download for free.

  • Not working

  • didnt work for me - redeem button does nothing

    • +3

      I just tried it again and seems to still work fine, did you tick the accept terms box also?

      • thanks, now stuck on preparing…

  • +4


    • +2

      Yeah, same here

    • +1

      yeah same problem

    • Huh, I just tried a Jay Z album and it worked.

      • +26

        Should be free regardless…

        • +7

          They would have to pay me a lot of money to listen to what is essentially some confused, old man, who walked up to a live band and just started yelling at imaginary things.. Obviously they felt bad for him, so they let him keep going until he tired himself out.

        • +3

          They should pay you for listening.

        • +1


          some confused, old man

          Hey, that's ageist!

        • @elektron: Oh no.. You're absolutely right.. I've offended someone on the internet!

          My life is ruined, how did I become such a monster!?!

          N.B. For all those slow people reading my comment (ie. Jay-Z fans), this is called a joke :p

    • Try downloading an individual track first then downloading the rest with the full download button.

  • +1

    Make sure you accept terms and conditions.

    Worked for me but only limited to one download per email address.

  • -1

    Redeem doesn't work.

    Edit Works on phone. Doesn't seem to work on my work machine on Chrome.

  • +18

    Naw, what if the store has to pay some entity for every download registered.

    This may be free for "you" but can't come at this one……no reflection on OP.

    See someone has reported, was thinking of doing the same.

    There's "bargains" but for me this crosses a personal line.

    (added on edit) 3 negs in only 10 minutes, sad really.

    • Ditto.

    • -5

      I don’t understand your point. Are you saying that millionaires (legit millionaires) can’t afford to pay for a glitch in their system and we shouldn’t take advantage of it, lest they not be able to afford another Rolex for them to show to all the peasants (ahem, I mean fans) on instagram?!

      • -1

        Think he/she is talking about the actual songwriters who make a pittance from streaming. Not the owners of Tidal itself who make the majority of the money.

        • +5

          If they made a pittance from streaming, then it won’t matter if you download it for free because they’re getting a pittance for it anyway.

        • +7

          Then confine your downloads to Jay-z, Kanye and Beyonce titles because they own tidal.

        • Isn't that good then? If artists are getting paid per download, the more downloads the more they get paid.

        • +2

          Yes, and being big business, I can guarantee they won't be paying the artists for these downloads. I can imagine that the artists would have signed a waiver to cover these cockups. I could also imagine that this is an intentional system failure as a form of advertisement and the artists are footing the bill for it.

        • @ihavecentsnotsense:
          Yeah, scrap streaming royalties altogether. Artists make so little from a single stream that all streaming should just be free ;)

      • +5

        If you ran a internet business and YOU had a glitch in your system, would you mind if people bought your stock for free? With free delivery to boot?

        • +2

          If it’s a tangible object then I can refuse to send it to them and refund the money, problem solved. If it’s intangible, like a digital download in this situation, it would be an issue, yes. But then, as a consumer, I think about who I’m disadvantaging in this scenario. I wouldn’t download a digital album for free from a small business. But I will for a streaming service who exploits its artists and is backed by multimillionaires.

        • +4

          So basically "Its ok to steal if you think they're rich enough"?


        • @chiuy: I don’t consider using a promotional code, which they willingly provided, to download songs “stealing”. If that promotional code allows someone to download more songs than originally intended then that’s the problem of Tidal, people aren’t automatically theives for taking advantage of the provider’s error.

    • True, and if you're going to steal from a store you may as well just pirate this stuff. Unless you're after something hard to find

    • +2

      Not sure if it is really a glitch - could be a promo. Personally, I didn't know Tidal sold albums at their store - thought they were all streaming. Only found out they do thanks to this.

  • +16

    Won't someone think of Jay Z's children!

    • You kinky bastard!

    • +4

      Thought of. Thought dismissed.

  • +1

    Deal still works, just make sure to select flac and not mp3. Just downloaded beyonce's album - lemonade.

    • which browser did you use?

    • +10

      I’m glad you were able to download the album! But now the real test begins - actually getting through listening to Beyonce’s Lemonade.

  • OzGlitchion

  • 404 Not Found no redirects at this IP

  • Working here, thanks OP.

  • +1

    Anyone done multiple downloads yet? I can only do the one with email

    • I only managed to get 1 too.

    • Got one downloading now, wont let me download any more - gets stuck on preparing files.

    • If you have a gmail, you can add a "." anywhere in it and it'll end up in the same mailbox but be recognised as a different email. I've claimed 3 using that trick so far but can't get any of them to download…

        • symbol also works fine
    • +1

      You can literally enter dummy addresses like [email protected]

      • That's my actual email address!

        I don't think a dodgy email would invalidate the legally binding contract you entered into if you agreed to any terms and conditions prior to download.

    • Just put any random email address in… [email protected]

  • -1

    Download once, clear your cache then start again worked for me

  • +2

    We've turned into OzGlitch today.

  • +3

    now i get preparing files 0/1

  • +2

    It doesn't do any form of email verification… just put in a random bunch of shit with an @ in it
    1 use of code per bunch of random characters

    NBN100 here… so far 500 tracks downloaded

    • +2

      what to download!?

  • Got one album downloaded, now can't get past the processing files issue, even after clearing cache.

    • try different albums, or use mp3
      I found one album had that issue as flac, but mp3 works fine

    • Why the (profanity) were you down-voted for simply saying it didn't work for you? Ridiculous.

  • omg it works, thanks so much!!!

  • Sucks to be at work for the next few hours..

    • Download on work PC.

      • +2

        50mbps connection ty workplace

      • +1

        I prefer to have a job than a pile of FLACs :p I think my dependents would be pretty pissed if I lost it.

  • +1

    "We are currently having issues with your internet connection. Click "Resume" to continue current download"

    Every time

    • same

  • My download doesn't start, circle just loops.

  • +1

    if you are getting download loop, just try opening in new browser/window.

    • same session key?

  • Works for me

  • -4

    Clearly exploiting a flaw in the system here, I mean, its unlikely to come back to haunt you but if you're looking to pirate music, the traditional methods might be a bit safer?

  • Game over

  • Woohoo, I really needed this at 11pm last Friday night for Beyonce Lemonade, a week late but at least I have it for my next dance session.

  • I did this and although it went through to download it's showing in my Paypal account as a pre-approved echeque payment with a charge going to my bank account. So be very careful with this.

    • why use your own email?

      • +1

        Yeah my mistake. Must be very careful. It was only like about $45.

      • I tried a different email address and it made no difference. It still wants to charge.

        • likely because you already put in your actual email

    • Did you enter the promo code?
      If so it should be free?

      • Yes i entered the promo code at the checkout. It doesn't remove the charge.

    • Click all checkboxes

    • Is your name a Red Dwarf reference? If so, a man of culture, you are.

  • I got excited but it won't work for me. Good luck everybody!

  • +1

    I tied myself in my dungeon in my mother's basement to prevent me from downloading the 50 Shades of Grey Soundtrack

    • I'll tell her to release you tomorrow … probably.

      • +4

        I’ll tell her tonight, over a glass of wine

  • +3

    Wow OP, a lot of FLAC there with people not able to get the deal to work…

  • +2

    This seems the equivalent of looting, or if you're in a store at night time and the power goes out. Big business I couldn't care less - they don't pay tax - but song writers and artists? This is their livelihood

    • They don't want to hear it.

      • It’s a sad reflection of the community.

    • i think they have a 90 day free trial anyway.

      • How does that make looting (ie keeping it forever) any better?

        • because you can do the same with the free trial anyway.

    • +2

      you haven't lived unless you've been part of a riot/looting/populist uprising.

      Joe Average Aussie will never venture far beyond a vanilla flavoured 4x2 in the burbs, with the most excitement in their life being when some bloke in ute did some skids at the intersection down the road

      this is their chance for Joe to e-loot. a poor substitute sure.. but maybe when on his deathbed Joe wont want to glass himself for living such a mundane life

      • But.. Joe probably already owns all the ACDC albums. What does he need to download them from Tidal for?

    • Comparing the free download of something through a glitch with the physical and forcible taking and deprivation of goods is asinine.

  • Managed to get the Lemonade album to see if it worked, but previously tried Midnight Oil, Queen albums and just get the download loop. Might just be new albums?

    • +1

      It's random 6/9 have worked for me.

  • -1

    I'm using that voucher code and it's not removing the cost at the checkout. What am i doing wrong?.

    I already got stung up by being charged in Paypal with two albums. Even although it appeared that it went for free after clicking on purchase. But there it was in my Paypal account as charges going straight to my bank account.

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