I'm trying to find a brand of coffee capsules that would be compatible with my aldi coffee machine. The nearest aldi store for me is 2.5 hrs drive and I dont get there often. Anyone know of any brands from woolies or coles that work?
ALDI Coffee Capsules Compatibility

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k-fee compatible pods
Yeah I would just be looking to do an online order of these.
Can't you just hack it?
The Map ones fit from coles but not well
The Woolworths select ones fit
Better to just order off the internet
ebay has kfee compatible podsI recall seeing a video online of some guy (presumably an OzBargainer) refilling the used pods with ground coffee and using some foil to seal them back up. There's a bunch of videos online about it.
If I recall it wasn't even foil but glad wrap.
Caffitaly are a good alternative to aldi pods. And the used pods with glad wrap dont work,
old post…but just tried some caffitaly pods from grinders (in woolworths) and they don't work in the aldi machine (current rectangular shape). They jam inside the machine and hardly any liquid comes out. Poked holes in both ends of the pod first and got some coffee out but still jams inside the machine and need a knife to pry it out
Thats interesting, everything says thw caffitaly ones work with Aldi KFee .
for an old discussion…
That being said, your first port of call would be to look for k-fee compatible pods which I believe is the system that Aldi sells.