• expired

Choose a Business on WOMOW, Then Try and Review to Get a $20 Westfield Gift Card


Find a business, try them, review them, then receive a $20 westfield gift card.

How does it work?
Find a business with some great reviews on WOMOW (Note: you may have already done this, and that's ok)
Use them! (You may have already done this too but it must be within 3 months.)
Enter a Review for that business, mentioning that you found them on WOMOW (remember, you must be a paying customer to enter a review).
Let us know by using the Contact Us page. Just say "I discovered 'Business XYZ' on WOMOW and now I'm a customer!"
We'll do our verification checks and put your $20 Westfield Voucher in the mail.  Simple!

Conditions of this offer
1. Only small Australian service businesses are included
A key aim of WOMOW is helping customers find out about lesser known businesses - the ones you only hear about through word of mouth.  That's why this promotion can only be used for small businesses and not large brands or chains (must have less than 5 stores/outlets). Also, they must be a service-based business where you're paying for some kind of service (not shops). For instance, tradespeople, health professionals, child care, restaurants, gyms, etc are all services. In general, businesses in our "Shopping & Hobbies" categories are not included.

  1. You must be a recent customer of the business you review
    As usual, you need to be a paying customer to review a business and for this promotion, you need to have been a customer between November 2010 and now. Any member that puts forward a claim that is disputed by the business will be banned from all future promotions.

  2. Your decision to use the business must be based on prior customer reviews
    For this promotion, the business must have positive customer reviews on WOMOW before you became a customer. Your review needs to say that you became a customer after reading their prior reviews.

  3. You must have a verified email address and mobile phone number
    To be eligible to receive a voucher you must have a verified email address and a unique, verified mobile phone number entered in your Member Details under MyWOMOW.

  4. Reviews must be genuine
    As usual, the reviews you submit must be genuine and reflect your actual experience as a paying customer.  All reviews must abide by our Fair Play Policy and Conditions of Use.  All participants should note that WOMOW employs a number of different measures to verify that each user is a unique person and that all reviews represent a genuine account of the user's actual experience.  This is extremely important - after all, it is businesses' reputations at stake and WOMOW users need to feel 100% confident in relying on the reviews to choose businesses which will best meet their needs.  If, for any reason, we have concerns about the nature of ratings submitted, or the activity associated with an account, WOMOW may, at its sole discretion, decide not to award incentives which relate to this activity and these reviews may also be removed.  In cases when this occurs, the user will be notified and given an opportunity to explain their situation and behaviour on WOMOW, however any members found to be submitting false reviews will be banned from all future promotions.

  5. Only 1 Voucher per Member
    You can only enter this particular promotion once. You must also have a unique, physical address entered in MyWOMOW. (For this promotion, only one member per household can participate.)

  6. Only for a limited time
    This promotion runs from 17th February until 28th February 2011 and you must contact us to claim your voucher within this timeframe.

  7. Claim your voucher!
    You need to let us know you're participating by using the Contact Us page. Just say "I discovered 'Business XYZ' on WOMOW and now I'm a customer!" (And yes, you need to tell us the name of the business.)

  8. The promoter is WOMOW Pty Ltd
    This promotion is covered under NSW permit number LTPM/08/00375. Please contact WOMOW by sending us a message here, or by phoning 1300 iWOMOW (1300 496 669) with any queries.

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WOMOW - Word of Mouth on the Web
WOMOW - Word of Mouth on the Web

closed Comments

    • +1

      Ive had a review taken down before. Once I saw it had been taken down, I complained and said it was my true experience, so they put it back up. Lucky! It was a horrible experience I had and I wanted the world to know about it.

  • -4

    come on dont post about womow too much on here, dont want people abusing these deals.. i have been on their site for over a year now and its great. dont want people putting fake reviews and scamming the $20 cards off them.

    • +3

      I see your point. Its my first WOMOW post. I thought it would be good for members that already post on there. I hope people are truly honest.. I have always been.

    • +1

      lol nubzy they rely on word of mouth - its even in their name

      up to them to moderate their content

  • how do you get the $20 coz it doesnt say anything about the giftcard ? i left a review and it said nothing

    • "Enter a Review for that business…….
      Let us know by using the Contact Us page. Just say “I discovered ‘Business XYZ’ on WOMOW and now I’m a customer*!”" ??

  • How come in my welcome email it says you have to review 20 businesses for the gift card????

    • I think this is a special promotion thats only valid till the end of Feb, whereas that promotion you mentioned is all year round.
      Correct me if Im wrong.

      • cool

      • Quite possible. I guess only time will tell. I wonder if they contact you to tell you whether you qualified or not?

  • Lots of conditions to this offer. Seems like it will be a miracle to actually get one.

  • Ive never had a problem getting vouchers from WOMOW. Just rate a business you've been to recently that provided a service (thats already on WOMOW). Email them from their contact page.. and then you'll probably hear from them in a couple of days saying they will send you out a voucher. Thats how its worked every other time.

    The past two times i received a voucher off them i had to rate 10 business' each time. It took alot of effort, but it was worth it for a $20 voucher. The one i will receive from this promotion will be my 3rd westfield voucher from them since signing up over a year ago. I quite like this company.. they reward you for giving an honest opinion.

    This prmotion took a total of like 5mins to fill out. Which means 5mins of work = $20, 1hr = $240. Pretty attractive hourly rate! haha. Every other promotion took me alot longer.. but its still nice receiving a voucher for the effort you put in.

    • Thanks for the info.

      I had to edit my review to reflect that I went because of WOMOW, and now after looking at the conditions again, saw the clause about it being small business. I guess they will have to determine if they think the business is "small" to their standards or not. I'm not sure. I did a few other reviews while I was on there for the fun of it! They were def small businesses. Don't know if I should email them again, and say hey, I reviewed some more that should qualify. I may just wait for the email that you say they send in a few days.

  • Conditions of this offer
    1. Only small Australian service businesses are included
    A key aim of WOMOW is helping customers find out about lesser known businesses - the ones you only hear about through word of mouth. That's why this promotion can only be used for small businesses and not large brands or chains (must have less than 5 stores/outlets). Also, they must be a service-based business where you're paying for some kind of service (not shops). For instance, tradespeople, health professionals, child care, restaurants, gyms, etc are all services. In general, businesses in our "Shopping & Hobbies" categories are not included.

    1. You must be a recent customer of the business you review
      As usual, you need to be a paying customer to review a business and for this promotion, you need to have been a customer between November 2010 and now. Any member that puts forward a claim that is disputed by the business will be banned from all future promotions.

    2. Your decision to use the business must be based on prior customer reviews
      For this promotion, the business must have positive customer reviews on WOMOW before you became a customer. Your review needs to say that you became a customer after reading their prior reviews.

    3. You must have a verified email address and mobile phone number
      To be eligible to receive a voucher you must have a verified email address and a unique, verified mobile phone number entered in your Member Details under MyWOMOW.

    4. Reviews must be genuine
      As usual, the reviews you submit must be genuine and reflect your actual experience as a paying customer. All reviews must abide by our Fair Play Policy and Conditions of Use. All participants should note that WOMOW employs a number of different measures to verify that each user is a unique person and that all reviews represent a genuine account of the user's actual experience. This is extremely important - after all, it is businesses' reputations at stake and WOMOW users need to feel 100% confident in relying on the reviews to choose businesses which will best meet their needs. If, for any reason, we have concerns about the nature of ratings submitted, or the activity associated with an account, WOMOW may, at its sole discretion, decide not to award incentives which relate to this activity and these reviews may also be removed. In cases when this occurs, the user will be notified and given an opportunity to explain their situation and behaviour on WOMOW, however any members found to be submitting false reviews will be banned from all future promotions.

    5. Only 1 Voucher per Member
      You can only enter this particular promotion once. You must also have a unique, physical address entered in MyWOMOW. (For this promotion, only one member per household can participate.)

    6. Only for a limited time
      This promotion runs from 17th February until 28th February 2011 and you must contact us to claim your voucher within this timeframe.

    7. Claim your voucher!
      You need to let us know you're participating by using the Contact Us page. Just say "I discovered 'Business XYZ' on WOMOW and now I'm a customer!" (And yes, you need to tell us the name of the business.)

    8. The promoter is WOMOW Pty Ltd
      This promotion is covered under NSW permit number LTPM/08/00375. Please contact WOMOW by sending us a message here, or by phoning 1300 iWOMOW (1300 496 669) with any queries.

    9. Available to the first 100 people
      This promotion is limited to the first 100 successful applicants - so be quick!

    • GEEZUS! So the only condition that wasnt posted was number 9.
      Available to the first 100 people.

      • Sorry. I think they mustve added this in afterwards. I honestly did not see that one earlier.. I just copied and pasted what I saw :-/

        • +2

          Dont need to be sorry. They probably added that after finding this post and realising the possibility of being ozbargained!!!

  • hmm…. just reviewed my local JB Hi Fi

    wonder if i make the first 100

    • +1

      nope you wont because that is not a small business…

      • woops
        should have read T&C
        oh well, still a good deal for those eligible

    • +1

      "small business not large brands or chains (must have less than 5 stores/outlets). Also, they must be a service-based business where you’re paying for some kind of service (not shops)." Hippos.

  • +1

    Hi guys, Fiona from WOMOW here. Please rest assured that the promotion is real - but you must have become a paying customer of the business after seeing earlier reviews. And yes, anyone found to be in breach of this will blacklisted from all future promotions. Don't muck it up people. Just find a great business and actually try them out. Think of it as $20 off your restaurant meal, haircut, massage, etc.

    • +1

      Just wondering, how many of those $20 left for this promotion? Also, did you add T&C #9 after finding this post?

      • +1

        We've had a lot of submissions today as the promotion was emailed to our member base early this morning. I'm not sure on the numbers at this stage as our team are working through them. (And no, #9 was not added later - I made the comment above as soon as I found this post!)

        • ahh okie. Thought WOMOW was getting prepared for the OzB attack at the last min!

      • Woops.. i must've missed T&C #9 altogether. I did copy and paste off my phone after all.. it was a little awkward. Please accept my apologies

  • I sent off my claim for the voucher look forward to hearing back :)

    • +1

      We'll be replying to everyone that sends through a claim - may take us a couple of days to get through everyone though.


  • +1

    Surely must have exceeded 100 posts by now (for this offer)?

  • Just had my confirmation email saying i'll be receiving a $20 westfield gift card within the next 2weeks =)

  • How come I didn't get any confirmation email? Does that mean I'm not getting any giftcard? :(

    • maybe they havent read your review yet?? I did mine early in the day just before i posted this on ozbargain.

      • Yay…got my confirmation email 5 minutes ago,it says gift card will be sent out in the next week. Thanks Kimba88

  • hmm no email reply yet. they must be taking their time.

  • anyone got a reply yet? I did this soon as the deal was emailed to me, before it got posted on here.. but no reply yet.

  • Nope, still no confirmation email. I did mine at 12:30 PM last thursday.

  • Got an email this morning saying they have checked my claim, but unfortunately I did not meet the requirements. They did not say specifically what was wrong with my review, so I am a bit annoyed at that. I spent a good amount of time writing it as well, and I wrote a few reviews while I was at it. Not cool!

    • reply to them and find out why? Tell them you wrote a few and ask them if those qualify?

      • +1

        Got a reply back. They are honoring it. Yay!

  • -1

    Yep mine went through all good. Guys, it really isn't hard you need to read T&C's and you will be validated..

  • Got my $20 gift card yesterday.. Thanks womow!

  • Last promotion they didn't honour my 20, said it was only 18 and didn't say why so I wrote two emails asking for clarification, one to you too, Fiona, and no one bothered to get back to me. Very disappointed

    • Hi - I'm sorry to hear this. I've just checked and if you're using the same username on WOMOW as here, we haven't received any emails from you recently (last one was 10th Jan). Please resend and we'll look into it…

      • I have sent you a copy of all the emails I sent.

        • Thanks. I've just checked our records and it shows that we did reply to both of the emails you've sent me, so I'm not sure why you didn't get these responses? I'm re-sending them to you now. (If you don't get this email within 5 minutes, please contact us - maybe you're logging into WOMOW automatically but have changed your actual email address?)

  • And just remember if you got this deal - you are excluded from the review 20 one on offer.

    which is interesting, I would have thought they wanted to keep all the new enthusiasts

    anyway.. what they really need is an incentive program for regular contributors

    better quality reviews create more likelihood for someone to post another!

    I have seen it in action ;P

    • Hi Natt, We are working on an ongoing program for regular contributors - please bear with us!
      The reason we do not allow people to participate in promotions too close in time to each is that we find that the quality of reviews drops as people struggle to think of different businesses to review. With more time between promotions, there are plenty of businesses that people use and can review.

      • hmm I will have to wonder there - you can get two card under this promotion - so 40 businesses

        those that got the last promotion only had to review one.

        So plenty left!

        Anyway its your business model :)

        One thing I did think about

        Will you ever have the ability to attach pics?

        I know with my phone I could certainly snap a few relevant shots?

        Oh I liked the little WOMOW cards you can leave with businesses.

        If you do go the way of targetting members maybe you could send more of them out so they can leave at the places they review

        • With the current promotion, each person can only get one $20 voucher and yes, it's for reviewing 20 businesses. In the last promotion they only needed to review 1 business, but they actually needed to have become a customer of that business after reading reviews on WOMOW. Sorry for any confusion but we are trying to be fair to everyone here :)
          I'm not sure about adding pics to reviews - that's not in our development plan as yet (but may be in the future).
          Glad to hear that you like the cards though. Any member can get these - they just need to ask us for them. See: http://www.womow.com.au/about.php?opt=Become%20a%20WOMOW%20A…
          Thanks for your support!

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