Only $80, you pay. Find this price elsewhere for a genuine article you will not.
Small through XXL available sizes you will find. Herh herh herh.
Only $80, you pay. Find this price elsewhere for a genuine article you will not.
Small through XXL available sizes you will find. Herh herh herh.
Alex Hunter is though!!!
How much cheaper are the 'Fake' Madrid?
Oh goy!
For the real Madrid. $80. For the fake Madrid $8. Or 3 for $20.
Though the unreal madrid will cost more.
There is the surreal madrid that people may not know about though.
Must be said. RM’s black away jersey is one awesome looking jersey
Is OP Yoda?
Pay this for tshirt I will not. Hmmh.
Great find.
Postage $10 for orders under $150
The images of footballgalaxy are conflicting.. the logo is embroidered in 1 picture but in another, it looks like a vinyl transfer.
Rebel looks embroidered.
Do people really pay $80 for this?
Some people pay more sadly enough.
But…it's just an Emirates ad!
discounted coz Ronaldo ain't there