Hi guys, this is a small Powershell script I wrote that will check stock levels of an item across Officeworks stores within a state. Using info originally provided by thydzik.
Nothing fancy, (just a bit of mental exercise), it cycles through the Officeworks store query API grabbing stock levels and then displays them along with the store phone number.
Script is pretty self-explanatory, you can add more stores to the state arrays if/when they're available (not necessary any more - Thanks Pippyyy).
Here's a screenshot: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/8952/61218/2018-08-13_…
Added GUI, fetches store list from OW: CheckOW-GUI.zip @ Box
Contains the script and a shortcut to run it, you can run it from a Powershell window if you want but you'll probably need to run it with -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass (due to being marked internet zone in the ADS).
Nothing is written to the system, it grabs URLs and outputs to the console, someone can probably fancy it up a bit with a GUI or various output formats.
You can also run it from Linux or Mac if you install Powershell, there shouldn't be anything Windows specific.
Enjoy … or not.
Nice work!