Hi Guys. I need to sign my mum up to Foxtel and currently Telstra have a the cheapest plan. She just needs all the entertainment and movie channels and no sport. I prefer not to deal with Telstra as have had issues in the past however, Foxtel have advised that they wont price match. I know in the past I have managed to negotiate some great discounts by threatening to cancel my account but as a new subscriber (my mum) do you have any Ozbargaining tips on how I can negotiate the best price and offer? Thanks in advance.
How do I get a good deal as a new subscriber to Foxtel?

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Foxtel's for chumps.
Good deal and Foxtel don't belong in the same sentence.
Foxtel Now
Foxtel Never
Lol good deal for foxtel.
lol foxtel
Foxtel won’t price match as they aren’t allowed to being half owned by Telstra.
I like foxtel now, not sure if thats something you can use. I've had to call up Foxtel only once though and felt they were horrendous to deal with, personally I wouldn't feel comfortable going with them on any sort of plan but thats me.
Use the JB offer. $20 month. Still Telstra though
Thanks everyone for your great responses. Unfortunately, mum is not very technical and used to her Foxtel so wouldn't have a chance getting her to use Netflix or anything else.
Get them to price it up for your address, then say its too expensive at the last minute. Wait a few days and they'll call back with a better offer.
This should work I usedto work for them in that dept saving sales from cancelling. I don’t know about now but we could do almost anything to save the sale.
Get her Netflix