Just got an email from Kogan announcing their new whitegoods
Very good price for a heat pump dryer, pity shipping is mid October
Looks very similar to Beko and some other brands
Just got an email from Kogan announcing their new whitegoods
Very good price for a heat pump dryer, pity shipping is mid October
Looks very similar to Beko and some other brands
Indeed: https://www.appliancesonline.com.au/esatto-ehpd7-7kg-heat-pu…
Price at the moment is $717 from Appl Online.
I got it 2 months ago during an eBay sale for $630 and can recommend it.
Quiet, efficient - night and day difference compared to a vented/condenser dryer.
For this price, its definitely worth having for those cloudy, rainy weekends or a mid week laundry run. Worth the $100-200 over a condenser dryer.
I am in the market for a dryer and keen to hear your feedback on what benefit you have seen with a heat pump dryer vs the old school condenser.
What has been the main benefit you have seen ?
- Much cheaper to run however offset by higher initial cost
- Each load is ~86c vs. $1.75 for an equivalent 7kg vented dryer ($350)
- According to http://www.energyrating.gov.au/calculator - if I use it twice a week for 10 years - I'll be saving $700 over a condenser dryer even after the higher purchase cost.
- Takes longer to dry. A standard cycle for cupboard dryness is ~2hrs for 7kg.
- Higher initial purchase price which may not be recouped if the machine breaks down outside the standard 2 year warranty.
For $200 more than a vented dryer, I think a heat pump is worth it. Has definitely made a difference in our household especially for the mid week evening laundry runs.
Condenser (a third type of dryer) is the same as a vented (poor energy efficiency) - in that it heats up air to dry the clothes, except it collects the water in the tank instead of venting it out in the room.
@Eva 007: To put it another way…
Time to break even (ie electricity savings beyond the initial $200 extra purchase cost) is 2 years and 2 months.
After that, you're saving $92/year in electricity costs. This is assuming 2 cycles/week.
Unless your machine dies right after the 2 year warranty period, the heat pump dryer is going to pay for itself over a vented. This is in addition to its other advantages.
This is actually pretty amazing, as 5 years ago the cheapest heat pump dryer was close to the $1000 mark and the time to break even was much longer.
careful though, they use Allied Express for delivery. Good luck!
Good price for a heat pump dryer. Too bad it wasn't available before winter!
Damn,just bought the non heat pump Aldi one.at least the warranty is worth more…
Do these actually work well? I've had one of those budget Simpson 4Kg vented dryers for years, it works well but the power bills definitely spike in winter because of it :(
I would wait until this one gets reviewed by choice
That's a very good price. Do we know if this price is a presale price only which will go up at release and, if so, what the normal price is?
Wouldn't mind waiting for a few reviews before buying (and maybe timing it with an eBay discount). I'm not a big fan of Kogan, but can't really argue with that price.
It appears to be exactly the same as this Esatto one which has decent reviews:
If it comes from same factory, they can still request cheaper internals which explains the cheaper price
Its possible I guess. The exterior,menus,specifications and manual seem to be the same on my cursory glance.
That's correct but internals can still be of less quality while delivering similar performance
Not sure why you were downvoted.
The "same factory as" thing is a scam the majority of the time if you look at eBay/Asian etc sources.
The difference can be huge.
Exactly right. The 146L chest freezer is identical to the esatto one except they replaced the temp control knobs to a digital panel
It's listed as a presale price, so I guess it will go up after release
Note that delivery is only available to Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth metro areas, plus Geelong
Do they provide stacking kit with the dryer? If we can't hang it on the wall (which as I understand you can't do with this one), we can only put on the top of the front-loader washing machine. Thank you.
There you go, only on "compatible KOGAN washing machines" with separate stacking kit.
"Your dryer has been designed to be able to be stacked on top of a compatible Kogan front loading washing machine. A stacking kit MUST BE USED between the products and fitted correctly to the washing machine and dryer, as per the stacking kit instructions. Contact the Kogan after sales service team to inquire about purchasing the stacking kit."
That’s all bs , just covering arses
What's the point of the stacking kit? We just have our dryer in top of washing machine with a rubber mat in between for extra grip.
You don’t need a stacking kit , just put on top of your washer
Weight 52kg and thats before the clothes are put in.Will that be ok?
Didn't realise it was that heavy. Hopefully someone can answer this question.
@fruxo: My wife spends a lot of time on top of the washing machine for some reason, and she’s about 55kg. So I assume it should be fine.
Bosch heatpump dryer also weigh about the same.
Seems heatpump with all the tech makes it weigh more.
Shouldn't be a problem. Looking forward to confirming this is Esatto and getting good review. Been looking for one for a while.
Anybody know of any other good heat pump dryer deals available for purchase and delivery now?!
so these can or can't be wall mounted (we have extra noggins ect put into wall when the house was built to hang a dryer)?
is it because of the weight or something?
Heat pump dryers are too heavy to be wall mounted. It's not just the weight, but the weight and the vibrations from the tumbling of the clothes.
Can just put on the floor?
Was it one-day sale? It's currently showing $729 plus shipping
In fact it looks exactly the same as the Essato I recently purchased from
eBay powerland. Been happy with it in the few months I’ve had it.
I checked the kogan shipping cost for Sydney metro and it wasn’t too bad at under $50 for such a heavy item.