Does anyone know if you need to keep the credit card you earned the complimentary lounge passes from in order to use the passes?
So many points to chase and so little available credit to give!
Does anyone know if you need to keep the credit card you earned the complimentary lounge passes from in order to use the passes?
So many points to chase and so little available credit to give!
Thanks for the reply. I have received 4 digital passes from 2 different cards recently. When you log in to the Qantas frequent flyer complimentary pass portal the passes show up generically as general entry passes with an expiry date only, no reference to any particular credit card.
Maybe the Qantas lounge people may ask to sight the credit card on entry?
No, the complimentary digital passes are not linked to any credit card.
Thanks, that was what I was hoping.
Time to cancel and apply for the next one.
No, often you just get a card or digital pass for entry.