Car Protection Extra - Worth It?

Hi there

I just bought new car and the dealer offered me the xtra protection (exterior, interior, dashboard).

Now i know that lots of reviews online stated that the extra is not worth it due to the price and you can get the it done outside of dealership at the detailer for like +$600, but what if there is huge discount involved? say that the original price is $2000 and you get it for $1000 for all the protection? is it still worth considering?

Thanks for the input and opinion.


  • +9


  • Agreed with the nope. Often only last 6-12 months etc. Rather just take care of the car like a new born, and you’ll be alright…

  • +1

    Read the terms, for example for exterior; protection possibly against sun damage. Before your paint get sun damage in 15+ years, your car body can get damage by shopping trolleys etc.

    Its more of a insurance than protection.

    Best protection for your car would be regular clean up.

  • All junk. Nearly 99% profit for the dealer.

  • +1

    It's only "worth it" if the dealership markup equals the convenience of getting it done by them rather than you going to a detailer. Given you're on Ozbargain, it won't be worth it.

    Forget the interior nonsense, a pro detailer will quote you for a wash, light polish, and your choice of paint sealant or coating. Clay bar will most likely not be needed, but the detailer will be able to determine this. Given the current weather, I'd recommend giving your windows some lovin' as well.

  • if you ever decide to go for it , remember to drive your car out of the dealership before getting the extra protection done

  • No, no, and no.

  • +1

    From a dealer - definitely no. Their product ranges from below average to absolutely useless while they charge top dollar.

    Most people don’t bother with extra protection - I used these guys for my SUV:

    Difference between pre and post exterior protection is that it takes for me 1/4 time to wash the car - bug marks and bird poo etc all just roll off whilst before needed a fair bit of elbow grease.

    It’s not essential - because I plan to hold onto my car for a long time and it’s parked outside during the day it’s worth it for me, it can be a lot to pay for not a lot of extra convenience

  • Nope

  • thank you for the input guys.

    The reason why i was asking is because the dealer gave me nearly half price form the original price and the protection has a lifetime warranty, hence i was kind like considering it. If it's full time, definitely not. The post that i read online was mostly that the price is the scam, but not the product.

    Any thoughts?


    • The product specifically used by dealers as value added items is the cheapest crap. It's a maximum margin item.

      My mate who used to do detail work told me dealers pay him $240ish for the jobs. He used the cheapest stuff he can buy and spends hardly any time of them.

      His normal rates were $1.2k for a full body,rims and glass with Nanolex Ultra after three stage polish and clay. Ain't no way he does that for $240.

      • dealers pay him $240ish for the jobs. .. Ain't no way he does that for $240.

        So are you saying it's not the dealers, it's the contractors then? He shouldn't be accepting the job if that's the case (unless the dealers requested it to be a cheap job).

        • Dealers dictate the product and then they get competing bulk quotes from nearby detailers.

          If he doesn't do it for 240, someone else takes it for 245.

          The dealers don't care as long as the car looks good on the way out of the showroom. To them, it's $760 to make a phone call to the detailer.

    • +1

      From someone in the industry…

      There's different types available for the exterior - 1 which needs to be reapplied yearly (crap), and 1 which gets applied once and that's it (decent). They all have different names

      I'd do the apply once one if I a) had a car, and b) got it done at cost

    • Okay, but this products has warranty only be applied once only, so if there is something wrong i can go back to them and get it done again, that's what they said.

      • What colour car did you buy?

        • sterling silver

        • @fready79:

          Silver is easy to maintain. If it was a dark colour the paint protection could be worth it, but not silver

  • They do this stuff when buying used cars now lol. I told them I wasn't interested.

  • how to protect against stone chips?

    • +1

      Don't drive.

      • +1

        Don't own a car. Case closed?

        • You win.

  • A quick search would have pulled up one of the (many) previous threads on this exact topic -

    These protection products are intended to help dealers retain additional gross in a vehicle sale, they do benefit your vehicle but you can get the same quality of product at a much lower price point at your local Supercheap. The same applies for any product offered to you by the 'Aftermarket chick' or whatever they're calling them nowadays..

    • Tits mcgee

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