Nice price, around $10 off the regular woolies price. TDK GOLD 25PACK DVD-R @ $7.60. Kodak 2-Pack DVD-R & 3-Pack CD-R @ 80 cents each. EDIT: 17/02
Sony DVD-R & DVD+R 25PACK for $7.20 @ Woolworths

Last edited 17/02/2011 - 23:40
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TDK are CD's aren't they?
Hence, 25 TDK CD's compared to 25 Sony DVD's is more expensive?
I say this because I haven't seen any stacks of TDK DVDs for sale.Please correct me if I am wrong.
thx :) edited. i only had a quick glance at the tdk so could be. OZBers pls post back.
hehe, thanks for that that… will def look out for these next time i'm around woolies
What is the data rate/ratio, ie how much can we fit on the disks?
4.7 gig?
Thats pretty good. Thanks for the reply.
Technically speaking its only about 4.3gb usable.
I just came from Woolworths Blacktown and the price tag says clearance @ 14.xx. So I guess it isn't national.
You can get 50 packs of Verbatim / Taiyo Yuden for $18 from almost any PC shop and their FAR superior discs to the Sony stuff. For a couple of dollars more, you'd be crazy to bother with anything else.
There's the generic/very low end stuff that you really only use for.. nothing :P Then there's middle range stuff like this which is fine for general use, then there's reasonably high end stuff like that (which is a little bit dearer) which is good for archiving. Just my 2c :)
What's so good about Taiyo Yuden?
Archival quality. Made in Japan.
PS: I doubt if Verbatim is made by TY, good as they may be. TY costs more and is generally only available from importers. Running around 45c per disk in quantity.
Confirmed TDK GOLD 25 DVD-Rs @ $7.60. However it looks like the prices may not be national, check your local and give it a scan.
TDK 25's were slightly deared @ $7.40 than the the Sony 25's @ $.7.40?