This was posted 6 years 6 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 100g Grain-Free Dog Food Sample @ Savourlife


If you missed out on this deal then this is another opportunity to get a free sample of dog food.

Flavours available -
For Puppies (with Lamb)
Adult Lite (with Turkey)

You can only purchase a maximum of 1 of the FREE 100g Grain-Free Food Sample** per order.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Tomorrow's lunch sorted

    • +2

      you must like doggy style..

      • he's Snoop Dogg

    • good enough for mad max

  • +5

    Now i need a dog

    • +1

      Lure a stray with these free dog food samples ;)

  • +1

    Any vegan options??

    • +6

      That's a huge missed steak.

    • -1

      I want Halal one.

  • +1

    I feel bad for businesses that do deals like these.

    From all the samples sent, this is the ratio of how it will pan out for the business:
    50% of people who get the sample don't even have a dog, but enjoy opening parcels
    49% will try the sample and never pay for the real deal
    1% will buy the product at least once in the future

    • Feel sorry for what? If you think that people requesting this offer are ripping the business off just wait until the mongrels that run our supermarket chains lay down their terms.

      You will supply us your product on credit. We will pay you months later for it even if we sold the whole lot within the first week. Pay us fees to promote your item. Pay us more fees if you want you item placed in a good location.

    • +1

      Eh? Nobody is forcing them to offer this deal!

    • I'm pretty sure there marketing team knows what they're doing.
      Coca Cola are doing same thing atm with the sugar-free coke with orange added. I've tried it about 3 because it is free, it is kind of growing on me. Not my fave drink, but I'm sure a certain percentage will really like it.
      You also missed out the % where people will get this, and their pet will turn its nose up at it and walk away. So giving a free sample is a good marketing tactic overall.
      I'm sure Coca Cola' marketing team know what they're doing.

    • its more marketing then sales.. :) exposure can = sales in the future but getting exposure is hard.. this is not a bad way to do it at a cost comparable to other marketing expenses.

    • 49% of people will try the sample

      Well that's concerning.

    • i was one of the 1% with the ivory coat free sample.

  • Will they send to nursing homes?

    Surely the old buggers deserve more than three nuggets and five chips for a meal.

  • +11

    Savour life is good. Part of the profit they do get when a sale is made goes to dog rescues.

    Yes this is a freebie but their products aren't overpriced and helps a pupper that needs it

    • +1

      Great to hear

  • That's MIL birthday dinner sorted.

  • Deals expired now
    We use the food for our Lab she has no issues

  • I don't understand these free dog food samples.
    100g is like 1/2 a meal for my dog, what am I going to tell from that other than: my dog eats it or doesn't eat it.?

    • my dog eats it or doesn't eat it.?

      Bingo. :)

  • +6

    Perfect! Just sent a free sample to my ex.

  • Appears samples have expired

  • : Due to unprecdented demand this product is currently unavailable

  • Recevied mine like a week ago, pup loves it.

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