Melbourne Property Investors Community

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I was looking for a community of Melbourne property investors and realised that there wasn't one that was 100% community based.

So I've put this together to see if we can grow into a useful resource.

No selling of properties or services…


  • Nah, I think I'll be okay

  • The only thing property investment relies on, is ambitiously buying a property with the intent of flipping it to someone who'll be adequately convinced to pay you more than what you paid for it.

    With those purchasers dwindling fast and looking at the market slowing down now, the last thing I'd spend my dollars on is property.

    • so, property = cryptos then

      waiting for next fools to buy off your hands at higher price

      • +1

        While tongue in check, just wanted to mention that crypto doesn't have any intrinsic value. Its whole category could go to zero overnight never recover (e.g a catastrophic hack or government/third party withdrawal ban). Realestate can go up and down, varying significantly by attribute. It will very rarely if ever be worth zero.

      • They're the same if you don't know how to graze cattle, dust crops and other farmery words.

  • +3

    I think the bullish investors are much too bullish and the doomsayers are also much too bearish.

    My take is if you can hold your nerve and hold for 20-30 years it will definitely be a good investment.

    Although Australian prices are expensive per property, per unit land we're still very cheap compared with Asia.

    Barring massive sustained negative change in immigration policy for decades or massive decline in worldwide birth rates, property prices will keep going up. We will have to get used to losing the backyard dream…

    • Houses, townhouses, units & older low rise apartments will long term always do well in most built up areas but the high rise apartments built ober past 15 years are crap and to be avoided

      • Yeah has to be something with land. Older medium density can also do well as the change of strata laws means one day it may be possible to get them knocked down (so developers would be willing to buy up)

      • what's your view on highrise unit in cbd ?

    • Decline in worldwide birthrates? Is there an option to short?

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