So my house is on a slope and has zero allotment with my neighbour on the high side. When my neighbour on the high side is watering his plants, he sometimes gets my weep holes flooded. The water literally leaks into my garage through the wall skirting boards. Did verify this as when I put a board to block the weep hole, no leakage on my side regardless of tons of water pouring from my neighbour's side.
I know I can ask my neighbour to stop watering his plants adjacent to my garage wall, but I wonder if there is a special cover (weepa covers don't seem to work) that I can install around the weep hole while it can still vent. Apology for my bad drawing, but I meant the red colour as in
You should be able to attach a small flap at the top of the weep hole that covers it, stopping any direct spray of water from entering. You would just need to bend it up slightly to allow water to exit. Internally, condensation runs down the inside of the wall and collects at the bottom, escaping out the weep hole to the outside. The flap doesn't need to be angled open very much, just enough to allow a few drops of water to escape. You could make the flaps out of flat plastic like an ice-cream container, or even cut up some tin from cans. They can be attached by using small nails driven into the soft mortar between the bricks.
Illustration here