Not really for everyone but worth puting up here you must hold at least one of the following concession cards:
•Pensioner Concession Card
•Health Care Card
•DVA Gold Card…
Not really for everyone but worth puting up here you must hold at least one of the following concession cards:
•Pensioner Concession Card
•Health Care Card
•DVA Gold Card…
This is a government grant, not a bargain…
Exactly. Good of the government, but standard.
It's pretty stupid anyway. It disgusts me the way the government encourage people to NOT save.
I think this is for the less fortunate. But in some way, a bargain too. Mixed feelings about this one. I don't think the DHS pictured this offer ending up on this website lol.
There's a few hundred other Government Grants here…
should we post them all ???
shrugs make a wiki out of it?
There are a few more requirements than the cards listed above. Probably more suitable for forum…
This really isn't a bargain as stated above but a government initiative similar to Medicare or the dole. MOVED TO FORUMS.
Thanks for moving to forums. This needs to be edited to state the additional requirements.
We should submit centrelink as well ;)
Free* money! (*Doing things may be required.)
wow, that's good for those who are eligible
not really FREE though, i would say replacement or repair, you need a genuinely broken/faulty appliance to get it
Good on the VIC government