Free Refridgerator, Free Washing machine (Victorians Only / Special conditions apply)

Not really for everyone but worth puting up here you must hold at least one of the following concession cards:

•Pensioner Concession Card
•Health Care Card
•DVA Gold Card…


  • wow, that's good for those who are eligible
    not really FREE though, i would say replacement or repair, you need a genuinely broken/faulty appliance to get it
    Good on the VIC government

    The appliances covered include:
    hot water service
    wall furnace/space heater
    faulty toilet
    upright stove/wall oven/cooktop
    water tank
    leaking gas or water pipes
    washing machine (special conditions apply)

  • +2

    This is a government grant, not a bargain…

    • +1

      Exactly. Good of the government, but standard.

      It's pretty stupid anyway. It disgusts me the way the government encourage people to NOT save.

  • -1

    I think this is for the less fortunate. But in some way, a bargain too. Mixed feelings about this one. I don't think the DHS pictured this offer ending up on this website lol.

    • +3

      There's a few hundred other Government Grants here…

      should we post them all ???

      • shrugs make a wiki out of it?

  • +2


  • There are a few more requirements than the cards listed above. Probably more suitable for forum…

  • This really isn't a bargain as stated above but a government initiative similar to Medicare or the dole. MOVED TO FORUMS.

    • Thanks for moving to forums. This needs to be edited to state the additional requirements.

  • We should submit centrelink as well ;)

    • +2

      Free* money! (*Doing things may be required.)

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