My jeans are dead, good quality new ones suggestions?

I have some H&M jeans that have died after about a year.

What are some good brands to look at?

Requirements: not 1inch thick denim that fits super loose.
Not skinny jeans with elastic or something.

Just a normal somewhat slim fit jean.

Sidebar: my cheap work belt is also dead/dying after a few months. Black dress belt that is real leather and not crap, anyone?


  • +2

    I like Nudie Jeans myself

    • How's the quality? Longevity?

      • +2

        I just bought some nudie myself on recent half price sale (still 100+). So far I'm liking it and seems pretty good quality

        If u can, I'd wait for the sales to swing around again cos they're pricey

      • +1

        Well I wear the female ones but quality and longevity are great; had mine for a few years

        • +1

          Not fussed about the gender! Assuming they use the same materials ;) thanks :)

        • +1

          @jrowls: Definitely get a pair of Nudies; you won't regret it!

  • I like Kmart jeans

    • +1

      That would be the exact opposite of what I'm after haha. Most things from Kmart fall apart and fit poorly.

  • +2

    Has anyone tried the Uniqlo Jeans ?

    • I didn't know they made them! I'll check em out.

      • +1

        I love uniqlo jeans. I’ve been buying them for years. I’ve got some pairs that I wear at least weekly that I’ve had for four years and are still going strong. Others I’ve had longer, but are starting to wear.

        Note: only buy uniqlo jeans on sale. They always go on sale.

  • +3

    I always wear Nudie Jeans, they are fairly pricey though. They offer free repairs at their Melbourne and Sydney stores too. I normally get a good couple of years wear out of them before I need to get them repaired, and that's wearing them pretty regularly. In my opinion the quality is really good and I've never had any bad experiences, plus shipping from their online store only takes a couple of days.

    • That's a really good review. I'll check them out!

  • +1

    up until a few years ago I always wore Levi's.

    recently got a few pairs of just jeans 'own brand'. seem to wear OK.


  • I have a pair of trenary ones that have served me well. They're fitted and not all baggy/skinny. Belt wise I just get one from DFO in one of their stores

  • -1

    I've had several years of wear out of my current Levis; they are beginning to fail now though. The American version seem to be better than the Australian version; but they have improved the Australian version in the last few years. For a while they had awful internal pocket material. I usually get the Levis from the DFO places because you can just about guarantee there is a 50% off sale at any given time.

  • +1

    I almost exclusively wear Nudie Jeans these days. They have good fits (I like Lean Dean). But depending on your build, check out Lean Dean or Grim Tim.

    I've tried Uniqlo Jeans, but they are not as great as Nudie (material-wise and fit-wise).

    But I would suggest to wait until their sale (if you buy the pre-washed). They usually have 50% sale bi-annually.

    • Really informative, thanks mate.

  • -1

    Gap jeans are nice

  • -1

    Levis They are quite expensive, but worth to get it ;) !

  • Buy local: Neuw, Denimsmith, Dejour, Flux etc.

    • I'd love to. Can you tell me anything else about them?

  • Levis for sure. Yes, they are costy, but the quality is superb. And you can find different styles in one shop

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