This was posted 6 years 7 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ironbark Pork Ribs $10 Per kg (Was $14.99) @ ALDI


Ironbark Pork Ribs $10 Per kg (Was $14.99) , now I just need a sauce recipe…

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  • +1
  • +5…

    I do this - then char grill them on the Weber. Tasty Tasty!

    • Looks good. Going to try this recipe thanks

  • how are these ribs say compared to the Costco ones which I say are some of the "meatiest" ribs you can get that aren't from a butcher

    • +7

      Not as good. Have tried smoking both. Costco is better

      • +6

        I've had people tell me that Costco has the best meat period. Like they can order from anywhere, no budget constraints, and they go to Costco because it's the best anywhere.

        • +2

          Yeah I'm really fussy when it comes to quality meat and will buy specific cuts from certain butchers at QVM, but Costco has cuts that are simply better than most butchers. Their baseline meat is far above places like Tasman/Aldi etc and their high-end stuff is remarkable. This is coming from someone who would never, ever eat meat from a supermarket.

        • +4

          I second this. The BEST steaks I've had, whether fine dining or making my own, are from Costco.

          The rump cap (they call it top sirloin) is phenomenal when reverse seared (12 minutes) over charcoal. Buy it whole, slice with the grain to cut into 1+ inch steaks, then slice against the grain in strips to serve. I honestly rate it higher than any Wagyu, Angus or Kobe I've tried.

          Their ribs are exceptional also. You won't find meatier, that's for sure!

        • +1


          They have the best ribs not because of quality, but because in australia other cuts are prized more. Aus butchers cut too close to the bone, which leaves you literally with, ribs.

    • +1

      Costco ones are great especially the beef ribs. Just ask for the beef ribs uncut though as some stores cut them individually.

      • How much are they?

        • About $20/kg.

    • The ribs in Australia are mostly a ripoff, I have no idea why people pay $16+ for bones in supermarkets, where in the US you get meat on the bones. Twenty years ago this was a waste product dirt cheap, 10 years ago I was buying ribs with meat on them for $8/kg, now they sell bones as some kind of premium cut and people suck it up. My local butcher wants $18 if I want a bit of meat on them, yet the chops are $14/kg?!

  • +6

    There are plenty of Youtube channels dedicated to BBQ recipes and just BBQ related stuff in general you could check out. Pitmaster X is a good one

    • second for Pitmaster X

    • +3

      Check out AllThingsBBQ and Guga Foods/Sous Vide Everything too. Love those guys.

      • +1

        Guga Foods/Sous Vide Everything

        Lets do iiiiitttt……

  • +4

    I got 2 x ~800g ribs @ $10/kg from Aldi about 2 weeks ago and sous vide'd them at 63C for 36 hours. They were spectacular.

    • Interesting. I thought the connective fibres only breakdown at around 90C.

      • +2

        Nah, it's a function of both temperature and time. I do lamb shanks at about 68 degrees for 24 hours and they fall off the bone (with a bit of a tug, increase the time or temperature if you want them more fally-offy).

      • +1

        Nah, sous vide is still low temperatures, just longer cook times - see this guy, I love his sous vide recipes. Though now he no longer uses butter after finding the non butter comparison tasted even better lol

        • +2

          I love ninja! I like "Number A" 😂😂

        • +4



        • This is what ribs should look like, not the waste bones we mostly get here.

        • @soob: I agree entirely. Most of the ribs you get at the butchers are shiners (where you can easily see the shiny bones). At least with these they have left some meat on the bone, literally.

  • +10

    These have been a super saver for the last 3-4 weeks….every store I have been to are sold out of them and will not restock until they are back to regular price :(

    • you will also probably find that the $10 aren't as meaty - they have ditched that layer of meat that was above all the rib bones…I guess its the side of the pig? - It used to be on the $14 dollar ones, but the $10 have been trimmed right back………..probably selling that big layer of meat as a pork fillet or something now.

    • I found that a few times too, then finally one store had like 3 boxes so I picked a few nice ones. Not all were fantastic but they were decent, particularly for the price.

      Spoke to the Manager and he said they were ordering 5x boxes a day but just not getting them some days so it's probably hit and miss with stock between stores. I guess I got lucky and went on a day they received a full delivery!

      • Yeah I spoke to the manager of the Forest Lake store and she said the same thing, would order 10 boxes and 1 would show up - Seems ridiculous

    • +2

      Yeah it seems crazy that they are promoting it as heavy and long as they are with such little stock. Its like the meat version of the Aldi Rocking Chairs haha.

  • Does anyone know if Aldi's pork is Sow only? I've never seen it in their advertising like other supermarkets do.

  • +1

    I got these ribs from Aldi around a month ago ($14.99/kg). Seasoned, pressure cooked them for an hour then finished on the BBQ and got nice and crispy. Basted in a special BBQ sauce blend. Looked amazing. The ribs themselves are low grade. Lots of tendons and gristly bits unlike other ribs I've cooked. Very strange. Tasted ok.

  • +5

    Today is the last day that these are $10 dollars. Goes back up to $14.99 tomorrow.

    • +11

      So heaps of stock tomorrow!

      • Well there would be more stock available if there was less demand. Simple economics.

  • +1

    This is my go to approach for ribs - Cheater Ribs!

    The cheater dry rub is great:
    Cheater Rib Cheat Sheet Dry Rub—The three basic components of a dry rub are salt, pepper, and paprika—it’s really the smoke you want to taste. Make up your own mix or buy one already to go. We like to add a little brown sugar to a rub for ribs to add a little caramelized flavor to the meat.

    I like to prep them the night before and refrigerate overnight. Throwm them in the oven before the guests come over, dunk them in a warmed BBQ sauce of your choice and finish them on the BBQ grill. Perfect, every time!

  • +4

    It has been on promotion 3 times since last year. They were sold out on the first day every time. The staff member said if it was on special, they will not restock when sold out.

    I just don't border anymore.

    • Obviously different ALDIs have different ways of doing things then. The meat usually goes out in the morning. ALDIs can get crazy busy around lunch time and thats when all the good specials get sold out.

      • I have been to 3 ALDI this time, no go.

        • Same 3 stores didn't bother after that. But still bought other bits and pieces which at the end of the day is what they seek to achieve.

  • +3

    I'm pretty sure these are Belly ribs. The 'meaty' Costco ribs that everyone's talking about are from the back, or loin of the pig. Two different cuts, and hence the price differential.

    The cut which the Costco ribs are from are the best for smoking, or anything, really.

  • Usain Bolts Pineapple Hot Sauce as a marinade

    • +1

      At first I wondered why it was named after Usain Bolt, but after witnessing how quickly it exited by body the next day it made perfect sense.

  • -1

    just need a sauce recipe

    PM me for my raw sauce recipe.

    It's a Scab family favourite, passed down from my dad.

  • +5

    Good price… but will wait for Halal version

    • -2

      You believe in everything you read on a packaging?

      • +1

        atish digitalcinema's post was a joke. Like Kosher Ham.

  • +1

    Picked up a few of these when they first came up on sale. A lot of them had a big chunk of grisly bits on the underside but I was able to pick out a few that didnt. Sous vided them and finished them up in the oven, not as good as Costco ribs but pretty decent value at ~$5 a rack. I called Aldi head office chasing stock last week so I could pick up more and they said there was no stock in any of the Aldi stores in Melbourne's inner suburbs.

  • +1

    I keep coming back to this rib recipe. Spectacular. Great balance of sweet and sour.…

    • That is a big list of ingredients! Thanks though, saved.

      • True.

        Just had a look, it seems like the recipe is a bit corrupted. The first lot of ingredients are for the rub. Then from the cup of brown sugar is for the sauce.

        • How long does it take for oven to preheat? 4-5 hours?

        • @Bimo:

          4-5 hours if you're preheating it with a candle. Otherwise turn the oven on, turn the temperature dial to 180, and wait until the little red light goes out - maybe 10 mins.

  • I've been looking for this for the past 3 weeks in the Aldi's near me with no success :(

  • +1

    Good luck I've been trying to buy these for a week & been into 4 stores and as Aldi normal no stock they have no idea what is going on get your act together Aldi.

  • +1

    If you’re planning on cooking in a kitchen oven, go to YouTube and search “Gordon Ramsey Sticky Pork Ribs”. Cover with foil for the oven part of cooking. They are to die for!

    • +1

      Ramsay is the best

      • +2

        Patient Ramsay or angry Ramsay?

  • +1

    Sous vide for a couple of hours and then char grill to finish

    Yummy yummy

    • Would have thought sous vide-ing ribs would take a lot longer than a couple of hours.

      • True - lots of hours

  • bought like 10 racks ever since they were on special for 2-3 weeks ? some are meatier than others make sure you get in early and pick up those nice ones.

  • +2

    They had this in the catelogue last week. I went to 5 different Aldis and none had any.

  • I recommend cooking for 3hrs at 120 degrees
    And half way through cooking wrapping in foil

    For a dry run I recommend brown sugar, cumin and cinnamon
    I marinade in Apple juice
    I use sweet baby Rays hickory and brown sugar that I brush on in the last 15mins of cooking removing foil to form glaze

  • slow cooker wins

    • Do you put the meat in with the sauce into the slow cooker? 4 hours on high?

    • +2

      no, pressure cooker

  • pok chop pok bunnnnnh

  • i love aldi meat, unlike the other guys aldi meat always seem to have the longest expiry date, the others only have a week or so where as aldi always have expixy dates like they never go off.

  • Last time I went to get this deal there was three guys ahead of me going through the boxes until they each found a packet that looked good enough for them. They are not the meatiest ribs around, but the competition to find a decent one is fierce imho.

  • These ribs are not bad at all , the thing that annoys me is they leave the sinew on the back of the rib's ………….. i found the best way to get the sinew off is to loosen the sinew with a knife just enough to get a grip and grab with paper towel and should peel off like a transfer in one go with no slipage .

  • -1

    Everything I've ever purchased from Aldi tastes crap. The final straw was when I purchased some honey soy wings and they were 98% bone. There's a reason this stuff is cheap.

    • -1

      I'm expecting to get downvoted by Aldi fanatics. How do you know someone shops at Aldi? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

  • +1

    Ways I do pork ribs:

    From frozen, place in saucepan, cover with water & boil for 1 1/2hrs, pour favourite sauce over ribs(I use Sweet Baby Ray's mostly because it's just easier) then place in preheated oven(220c) uncovered with some par boiled potatoes for 15 mins(or until sauce is sticky)

    From frozen, place in pressure cooker for 35 mins, then place in air fryer/halogen oven in tray, baste ribs with favourite sauce & finish off on maximum for 10-12 mins(until sauce is sticky)

    FYI if you're in Brisbane & close to Inala (For the Forest Lake guys) butcher there sells Pork Ribs(meaty) for $10.99kg

    • ChopShop or Vans?

      • +1

        An Khang

  • +1

    The ribs were back in stock today, of course the price was back to $14.99/kg too. Funny that.

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